• @sri-thurga
    Dear Sir/ Madam
    My application number is ######### and my passport number is A19543153.
    I already submitted my passport to my university international office, kindly i want to check the renewal visa when will it be delivered back to my university.
    Thank you in advance.

    • Hi Anas Alobaidi,
      We provided the Supporting Letter to your institute on 14 February 2025 for endorsement purposes. Kindly note that the institute will submit your passport to the State Immigration to endorse your student pass, therefore, we have no track record of your passport status. As such, you may liaise with the institution for further…[Read more]

    • Hi, the responsible and able EMGS officer, i’ve been asking concerning my SEV which i applied for since December. My name is Oyedoyin Samuel Oyetunde, my passport number is A13073719, a postgraduate student from Nigeria. I intend to enter Malaysia before my program begin at UTM, am presently inpatient because the time is running out. I would be…[Read more]

  • Sulthan Zuhdi posted a new activity comment 2 weeks, 2 days ago

    Thank you officer @sri-thurga.
    I will pursue my masters at UIAM in March. I tried again this morning to apply my visa application, apparently the issue is only on UIAM, while when i select any other universities, the sticker pass fees option is available.
    I hope this information could be useful to help EMGS solve the issue as soon as possible

  • Zii MK posted an update 1 month, 3 weeks ago

    @sri-thurga is it possible to get airport clearance for the 3rd of January

  • @sri-thurga please can I pay EMGS in NGN via my bank mobile app.?

    • Hi Bashar Bungudu,
      We are glad to assist with your enquiry. However, we require more information regarding this. We appreciate if you could elaborate more on your enquiry and provide us with your passport number if your enquiry is related to an application. This will enable us to assist you accordingly. To keep your details private and…[Read more]

  • @sri-thurga my application sucked 35% what should I do? Sir ?

    • Hi Momo Barua,
      We are glad to assist with your enquiry. However, we appreciate it if you could provide us with your passport number and your full name. This will enable us to assist you accordingly. To keep your details private and confidential please email us at enquiry(at)emgs.com.my and we will help you out.
      Have a good day.

  • @sri-thurga mam I’m kattameeran Humayun kabeer mohamed Ars and my passport number is u8007732 I got 100% on Nov 18 and still now I didn’t get my passport back I need asap bcz I want to go back home to attend a family function and I need to open my bank account

    • Hi Kattameeran Humayun Kabeer Mohamed Ars,
      Kindly be informed that we provided a Supporting Letter to your institution on 18 November 2024 to endorse your Student Pass sticker directly at the State Immigration in Selangor. As such, your passport will not be submitted to EMGS. You are required to liaise with the institute for further clarification…[Read more]

  • @sri-thurga Dear EMGS, My application is stuck on 35% since 15 days My intake January Soo can you process or check my file what’s happening? And how much take time more? Please let me know about this.. Thank you EMGS View

    • Hi Momo Barua,
      We understand your concern. However, we appreciate it if you could provide us with your passport number and your full name. This will enable us to assist you accordingly. To keep your details private and confidential please email us at enquiry(at)emgs.com.my and we will help you out.
      Have a good day.

    • Better you email them. They will update you soon

  • @sri-thurga mam I got 100% on 18 Nov still now emgs didn’t return my passport back to me I need my passport asap mam bcz I need to go back home for a family function mam

    • Hi Arsath Shariff,
      We are glad to assist with your enquiry. However, we appreciate it if you could provide us with your passport number and your full name. This will enable us to assist you accordingly. To keep your details private and confidential please email us at enquiry(at)emgs.com.my and we will help you out.
      Have a good day.

  • @sri-thurga
    Hi EMGS officer
    I have now been in Malaysia 5 days ago and I have sent all the documents required to obtain a student visa and so far I have not received the Visa I ask you to kindly issue the Visa quickly before I return to Egypt
    Passport number A35082062
    From Egypt

    • Hi Mohammed Awaida,
      As checked, we received the additional documents from the institution on 29 November 2024. We will review and update accordingly. We will notify the institution of any updates on your application.
      Have a good day.

  • Mahmoud Khalil posted an update 3 months ago

    @sri-thurga Hi
    My name is Mahmoud Ali Khalil Ali from Sudan
    Passport Number: P11419027

    I’ve submitted my passport to my university one month ago and still haven’t received it or gotten any updates. I urgently need the passport since I have a family matter and need to travel on December first week. Please update me and try to speed up the process.

  • Charles John posted an update 3 months ago

    @sri-thurga I had a sprain on my leg I need urgent medical intervention, and I clicked on my insurance card in this app as instructed by the international school agent but it says my Ikad is not verified , and I clicked on international id card , it says the pin is not correct even though I didn’t put anything in , please how am I going to get…[Read more]

    • Hi Charles John,

      Kindly be informed that as per check, your enrollment for the insurance has been completed. As such, you may visit Etiqa panel clinic or hospital for a treatment. Kindly note, you are required to download the latest EMGS Apps (EMGS HUB) from Apple App Store or Google Play Store.

      Have a nice day.

  • Mohammed Ehab posted an update 4 months ago

    Dear @sri-thurga hope this message finds you well. I applied for a visa renewal and was asked to submit my passport to renew my visa but tomorrow i will travel to Saudi Arabia to my family and I will return after 2 months before my visa ends. Is it possible if i submit my passport to renew my visa after i return to Malaysia? My passport is P07384025

    • Hi Mohammed Ehab,
      You may travel using a valid student pass. As checked, your pass expires on 18 January 2025. Therefore, you may use your student pass to travel, however, you need to return to Malaysia before your pass expires to proceed with the renewal student pass endorsement.
      Have a good day.

  • Dear EMGS, @sri-thurga
    My passport number is AB686930
    and my is Elmegrabi Abdulmalk
    I reached 35% from 24/9 and before three days it changed to yellow and now is green I’m still waiting for my val it took along time and my University started in 29/9 anyhelp in this case???

    • Hi Elmegrabi Abdulmalk,
      Kindly be informed that we have resumed the application process upon verification of the additional documents. As checked, the documents were resubmitted to Immigration on 15 October 2024 for VAL approval. It will take approximately 7-10 working days, however, the approval rests solely at Immigration’s discretion. We will…[Read more]

  • Dear EMGS @sri-thurga Greetings!
    My name is Kattameeran Humayun kabeer Mohamed arsath shariff ,and my passport number is U8007732.
    My application number is
    I am sorry to bother you, I have been submitting my documents on 30/09/2024 it’s been 11 working days but mine still at 35% today is my classes are starting I’m losing my classes

  • Arsath Shariff posted a new activity comment 4 months, 1 week ago

    @sri-thurga please reply mam

  • Dear EMGS @sri-thurga Greetings!
    My name is Kattameeran Humayun kabeer Mohamed arsath shariff ,and my passport number is U8007732.
    My application number is
    I am sorry to bother you, I have been submitting my documents on 30/09/2024 it’s been 11 working days but mine still at 35% today is my classes are starting I’m losing my classes

  • @sri-thurga I have been 35%for 19 days .Since 23rd september it is showing 35%green signal .How long it will take for me to get 70% .My orientation class already started at UoC. My intake is running out..Please help me to get 70% as soon as possible.😔

    • Hi Md Shahadat Hosen,
      We understand your concern. However, we appreciate it if you could provide us with your passport number or application number. This will enable us to assist you accordingly. To keep your details private and confidential please email us at enquiry(at)emgs.com.my and we will help you out.
      Thank you, have a nice day.

  • @sri-thurga
    Dear EMGS, my eVAL has been stuck on 35% since 18th September and it has been 16 working days. My university has started since the 30th of September and would like to join as soon as possible. Please try to expedite the process and help me get my eVAL.
    My passport number is N11437809

  • Hi emgs @sri-thurga,
    My name is Mahad Wasim, Passport number: AN6854594 and application number: #########. I have been waiting for my VAL since a very long time now, my application was submitted on 12th september and its been stuck at 32% since 25th september. My classes at UCSI have started a few weeks ago now but I am forced to take them online.…[Read more]

  • Arkar Min posted an update 4 months, 2 weeks ago

    Dear officer,
    I am stuck in 35% since 18 Sep. My university will start at 14 Oct. I don’t have time. Please speed up.

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