Victor Chukwudi posted an update 1 year, 3 months ago
Good day EMGS
Please I have an enquiry regarding my former college I applied for renewal and I made the necessary payments of 3100RM then for my application then along the line the college had issues that led to the close down, now when I got readmitted to a new college I made another payment for EMGS application
So now my question is my former…[
Victor Chukwudi posted an update 1 year, 3 months ago
Hello EMGS
Please my name is Victor Chukwudi student with Alfa college with application number ######### passport number A11725888 please ma/sir I will like to know when my renewal will be completed and passport ready for collection my application is currently at 80% awaiting endorsement from the immigration I will like to know the…[Read more]-
Hi Victor,
Kindly note that your application is currently with the Immigration Department for student pass approval. The Student Pass endorsement process will take 14 working days from the date we submit the Passport to the Immigration Department. However, the approval is solely at the discretion of the Immigration Department. We will notify the…[Read more]
Afolayan Beckky posted an update 1 year, 9 months ago
Becky your school will help you out I guess you should contact them ok.
Ok best of luck 👍
Hi Afolayan Beckky,
As per checking, you performed the medical screening on 15th June 2023. Once the medical screening result is updated, we will prepare the supporting letter for the student pass endorsement process. Your institution opted to obtain the Student Pass directly at the state Immigration Department. As such, your passport will not…[Read more]
Afolayan Beckky posted an update 1 year, 9 months ago
Hi emgs .. I can read that almost all the student are having issue with their special pass..and emgs keeps saying no record found in their system.. whereas wwe have submitted all application since 1 month.. please emgs I want to know .. is special pass gable by emgs or by immigration .. we are confused ..cus emgs keep saying our application record…[Read more]
Immigration are the one who gives u the special pass
Not the emgs -
Hi Afolayan Beckky,
We are only able to assist with your special pass if the special pass application was applied with EMGS and submitted passport to us. As such, kindly liaise with your Institution for further clarification on this matter.
Have a nice day.
Afolayan Beckky posted an update 1 year, 9 months ago
Hi EMGS.. i am am existing student in Malaysia peogressing From degree do masters..The issue is i applied for special pass since 26th of April ..already 1 months..still yet My speciall pass is not ready ..and Now EMGS is currently requesting for My valid special pass to continue with My progression application ..please help ME ..My passport Number…[Read more]
Afolayan Beckky posted an update 1 year, 10 months ago
Becky every application start as new. and begins to read back from 10% there is nothing to worry about. even if it’s progresssion or new application. once it’s completed its 100% and once you are renewing your student pass its count down again from 0% and says new because the application comes with different application number
Hi Afolayan Beckky,
Your Institution has created this application as a new application instead of a progression application. Kindly refer to your Institution for further clarification on this matter.
Have a nice day.
Afolayan Beckky posted an update 1 year, 10 months ago
Afolayan Beckky posted an update 1 year, 12 months ago
Hi Afolayan Beckky,
Please be informed that the student can proceed with a progression application (progress to the next level) once completed the current level and remains in Malaysia. The student is required to shorten ( cancel) the current student pass once the VAL is approved under the new application. However, the approval is solely at the…[Read more]
Victor Chukwudi posted an update 2 years, 2 months ago
Victor Chukwudi posted an update 2 years, 2 months ago
Uninstall the EMGS apps and install again. Then do the registration and verification allover. That was what I did when I encountered similar problem. Thank you
If I uninstall and install back it ask for my log in and when I do I get back to the page
Did you do the facial verification? You need to input your login details and proceeds to face capturing and ok.
Yes my application is on 97% just that is not showing me my ikad
If you click on the profile what is it showing you?
Victor Chukwudi posted an update 2 years, 2 months ago
Victor Chukwudi posted an update 2 years, 2 months ago
Contact your airline for more details
Did you apply for SEV?
You need to authenticate your documents at ministry of education and foreign affairs too
You need to get eligibility letter from ministry of affairs.
For the travel you need your eval flight ticket and SEV covid vaccination certificate or test result with negative
The test should be conducted a day before your travel or you…[Read more]-
Am currently in Malaysia planning to travel to Nigeria
Hi Victor Agyeman,
You requires a valid pass to exit Malaysia. However, kindly liaise with your airlines for further clarification on the document requirements.
Have a nice day.
Victor Chukwudi posted an update 2 years, 4 months ago
Victor Chukwudi posted an update 2 years, 4 months ago
Victor Chukwudi posted an update 2 years, 6 months ago
Afolayan Beckky posted an update 3 years, 3 months ago
Check if you received a confirmation email first.
It comes immediately after applying.
If you didn’t get it then your application wasn’t successful.-
I receive a confirmation email immediately stating that my application has been summited ..I also have references number and passcord..
It takes about 3 working days. Which excludes weekends and public holidays
It’s already 4 working days now..I applied since Monday
You will surely get a response from them so please give them some time.
Mine also took some time and I was getting worried but it eventually came-
My flight is on Monday ..
Don’t worry you may get a response by Sunday
Otherwise you have to book a hotel accommodation. Which will cost you around RM 1500 for 7 days if you are fully vaccinated
Hey bro, may i know what do you mean by booking a hotel ? Does it refer to the quarantine station?
How many working days your took?
3 working days
What kind of room / hotel information you used in YOUR HQ application?
Its a studio apartment …just me alone…1 room..1 bathroom..1 toilet …
I also book similar type of studio apartment. I yet to apply for that. Hope that you’ll get approval soon
Yeah hope fully ..my flight js on monday
Hello @Beckky Did you get it?
Please be informed, with regards to home quarantine. You are advised to refer to the relevant authorities with regards to your enquiry.
Thank you
Afolayan Beckky posted an update 3 years, 4 months ago
Afolayan Beckky posted an update 3 years, 5 months ago
@ifrah_1 hi are you from Pakistan? I want to know about dependents and home quarantine. New Doctoral student.
Yes I am from Pakistan. No idea about dependent. Home quarantine yes we can apply. I got approval for home quarantine today
Hi, How long it takes to get home quarantine approval?
I got it within few hours. But max it takes 3 working days
@ifrah.. As u got approval for home quarantine so just want to know if u have the tenancy agreement or any such documents that u got appoval? I have tenancy agreement that has been expired in June 2021 but the apartment still belongs to me n i have rented out one of the room while i still have the master room having attach bathroom. Want to know…[Read more]
I didn’t upload any such things, only passport vaccination certificate and travel authorisation letter. I just filled in the form for place’s address and about people and rooms in the house. Nothing else is required. The place where I would be staying is not under my name and they didn’t ask for it
Right. Are you a new student?
I have a place of stay in Malaysia. Its on someone’s else name. Can I also apply for home quarantine?-
I am not a new student but they do not ask for the names and all. You just need to go to the portal and fill in the information it doesn’t matter who owns the place
Kindly guide the requirements for home quarantine. Like flat, independent home, university hostel solo room?
Go to MOH e portal all the information is there. But approval is subject to their assessment. My place of quarantine is currently empty and I would be only one in the house so I got it approved immediately
Afolayan Beckky posted an update 3 years, 5 months ago
EMGS only ask for you passport no need to buy ticket for now. I just bought my ticket today after getting approval letter. You need to inform your university as well for travel plan so that they can immediately approve your application when EMGS contact them. I did that so my university gave approval in one day to EMGS toproceed with the application
Afolayan Beckky posted an update 3 years, 5 months ago
Proof of accomodation like utility bills and pictures
What if My house is not on my name but I live alone @Asma
I just applied. They don’t ask for any proof only information to be filled like number of people and rooms/washroom etc
Thank you so much
Just fill the form and necessary details. I filled mine they didn’t ask for any proof yet
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Hi Victor Chukwudi,
In the event that you submitted the payment to the previous institution, you are required to liaise with your institution for further assistance on your refund request.
Have a nice day.