1. Ayman Abu Jafor 9 months ago

    Sadly there is no eligibility for Bangladesh nationality.

  2. Khaula R 9 months ago

    why put an african person when not a single african country is eligible. very misleading and raçişt

    • EMGS Officer 9 months ago

      Hi Khaula,

      Thank you for your feedback regarding our Graduate Pass brochure. We understand your concern about the eligible nationalities for the graduate pass in Malaysia, which currently does not include any African nationals.

      The eligibility criteria are determined by the Malaysian government. However, the photo in the brochure does not reflect any specific nationality.

      We apologise if this image has caused any confusion or seemed misleading. We appreciate your understanding and are always open to feedback to improve our service.

      Have a good day.

    • Rebecca Seera 8 months ago

      The flier has been changed..hehehe

  3. Ayan Akram 9 months ago

    As a pakistani student i feel sad that we are not in the eligible nationalities. It actually shows a bit biased decision but have to respect that🙏

  4. naser mustafa 9 months ago

    Can I apply for a renewal even though my current visa expires in February 2025 and I graduate in February 2025? Is it free or how much does it cost?

    • EMGS Officer 8 months ago

      Hi, Naser Mustafa.
      We are glad to assist with your enquiry. However, we require more information regarding this. We appreciate if you could elaborate on it in detail. Please note that if your enquiry is related to an application, kindly provide us with the passport number. This will enable us to assist you accordingly. To keep your details private and confidential, please email us your full name and passport number at enquiry(at) and we will help you out.
      Have a good day.

    • Ayaa Ahmed 8 months ago

      On 🔥

  5. Azalea Satya 8 months ago

    Hi, EMGS! This sounds a very generous and awesome program. Will it one day available for Indonesian students too?

    • EMGS Officer 8 months ago

      Hi, Azalea Satya.
      Thank you for reaching out with your concerns regarding the eligible nationalities for the graduate pass in Malaysia, which currently does not include any Indonesian nationals. The eligibility criteria for the graduate pass are determined by the Malaysian government. The list of eligible countries may be reviewed and revised by the Malaysian government. EMGS will promptly notify educational institutions and students of any updates regarding the graduate pass. We appreciate your understanding and welcome any feedback to improve our service.
      Have a good day.

  6. Akash Deb 8 months ago

    No eligibility for Bangladeshi students!!!but why?

    • EMGS Officer 8 months ago

      Hi, Akash Deb.
      Thank you for reaching out with your concerns regarding the eligible nationalities for the graduate pass in Malaysia, which currently does not include any Bangladesh nationals. The eligibility criteria for the graduate pass are determined by the Malaysian government. The list of eligible countries may be reviewed and revised by the Malaysian government. EMGS will promptly notify educational institutions and students of any updates regarding the graduate pass. We appreciate your understanding and welcome any feedback to improve our service.
      Have a good day.

  7. Ahsan 8 months ago

    Why are Bangladeshi students not allowed for the Graduate Pass? Given the high percentage of Bangladeshi students, this exclusion is significant. Allowing Indian students while excluding Bangladeshi students is clear discrimination. This policy needs to be reconsidered to ensure fairness and equal opportunities for all students.

    • EMGS Officer 8 months ago

      Hi, Ahsan.
      Thank you for reaching out with your concerns regarding the eligible nationalities for the graduate pass in Malaysia, which currently does not include any Bangladeshi nationals. The eligibility criteria for the graduate pass are determined by the Malaysian government. The list of eligible countries may be reviewed and revised by the Malaysian government. EMGS will promptly notify educational institutions and students of any updates regarding the graduate pass.
      We appreciate your understanding and welcome any feedback to improve our service.
      Have a good day.

  8. MOHAMED MUSA 8 months ago

    My country isn’t on the list, but I assume this is based on average student’s performance and other factors. We just have to work hard and move forward.

    • EMGS Officer 8 months ago

      Hi, Mohamed Musa.
      Thank you for reaching out with your concerns regarding the eligible nationalities for the graduate pass in Malaysia, which currently does not include your nationals. The eligibility for the graduate pass is determined by the Malaysian government. The list of eligible countries may be reviewed and revised by the Malaysian government. EMGS will promptly notify educational institutions and students of any updates regarding the graduate pass.
      We appreciate your understanding and welcome any feedback to improve our service.
      Have a good day.

  9. Jubair Alam Jishan 8 months ago

    My percentage ar 90% please can you give the information its take many days

    • EMGS Officer 8 months ago

      Hi, Jubair Alam Jishan.
      We understand your concern. However, we appreciate it if you could provide us with your passport number or application number. This will enable us to assist you accordingly. To keep your details private and confidential please email us at enquiry(at) and we will help you out.
      Have a good day.

  10. MD FAZLA RABBI 8 months ago

    I am writing to express my deep disappointment upon learning that Bangladesh is not eligible for the Graduate Pass. This decision has caused considerable concern among many individuals with strong connections to Malaysia. I respectfully and humbly request the authorities to reconsider this policy and include Bangladesh in the Graduate Pass program, promoting inclusivity and fairness for all.

    • EMGS Officer 8 months ago

      Hi, Md Fazla Rabbi.
      Thank you for reaching out with your concerns regarding the eligible nationalities for the graduate pass in Malaysia, which currently does not include any Bangladesh nationals. The eligibility criteria for the graduate pass are determined by the Malaysian government. The list of eligible countries may be reviewed and revised by the Malaysian government. EMGS will promptly notify educational institutions and students of any updates regarding the graduate pass. We appreciate your understanding and welcome any feedback to improve our service.
      Have a good day.

  11. Shafy Muhammad 8 months ago

    Dear Emgs officer, my passport number is P02393360, after 1 month my application have still 5%, can i know it take many days to reach 70% , thanks for your assistion , apriciately’

    • EMGS Officer 8 months ago

      Hi Shafy Muhammad,

      As per checked the application is pending with proof of payment. Kindly liaise with the Institution to upload the proof of payment for us to processed the application.

      Have a nice day.

  12. xiang De 7 months ago


  13. Nahid Hasan 7 months ago

    Students from Bangladesh are coming to Malaysia from long ago and still continuing, total number of the student is remarkable. They can also contribute a vast economical growth to Malaysia after completing graduation. I urge to the authority to make eligible Bangladeshi students into the program!

    • EMGS Officer 7 months ago

      Hi, Nahid Hasan.
      Thank you for reaching out with your concerns regarding the eligible nationalities for the graduate pass in Malaysia, which currently does not include any Bangladesh nationals. The eligibility criteria for the graduate pass are determined by the Malaysian government. The list of eligible countries may be reviewed and revised by the Malaysian government. EMGS will promptly notify educational institutions and students of any updates regarding the graduate pass. We appreciate your understanding and welcome any feedback to improve our service.
      Have a good day.

  14. Shafy Muhammad 7 months ago

    Dear EMGS Officer, My name is Sa Phi Y Mu Ham Mad, and my passport number is : P02393360, My application did not progress as they stated above. Although after 4 days from 11-7-2024

    • EMGS Officer 7 months ago

      Hi, Sa Phi Y Mu Ham Mad.
      As checked, we require some additional documents from the institution. It is best for you to liaise with them for further assistance on this matter.
      Have a good day.

  15. Ali Ali 7 months ago

    Respected EMGS officer, I submitted my passport for renual of my student pass on 24/6/2024 and it is still 80% on the system, my return ticket is at the end of this week and I have to get my passport tomorrow. I emailed you yesterday and I attached all the documents needed my application number is 700399823.
    Please help me

    • EMGS Officer 7 months ago

      Hi, Ali Ali.
      We understand your concern. However, we appreciate it if you could provide us with your passport number and your full name. This will enable us to assist you accordingly. To keep your details private and confidential please email us at enquiry(at) and we will help you out.
      Have a good day.

  16. Ali Ali 7 months ago

    Respected EMGS officer, I submitted my passport for renual of my student pass on 24/6/2024 and it is still 80% on the system, my return ticket is at the end of this week and I have to get my passport tomorrow. I emailed you yesterday and I attached all the documents needed my application number is 700399823.
    Please help me

  17. Md Nazmul Hoque 7 months ago

    Why Bangladeshi Students Not Allow?

    • EMGS Officer 7 months ago

      Hi Md Nazmul Hoque,
      Thank you for reaching out with your concerns regarding the eligible nationalities for the graduate pass in Malaysia, which currently does not include any Bangladeshi nationals. The eligibility criteria for the graduate pass are determined by the Malaysian government. The list of eligible countries may be reviewed and revised by the Malaysian government. EMGS will promptly notify educational institutions and students of any updates regarding the graduate pass. We appreciate your understanding and welcome any feedback to improve our service.
      Thank you, have a nice day.

  18. Shanthini 7 months ago

    Hi sir. May I know with the graduate pass the students can work full time jobs in Malaysia? Or only part time jobs?

  19. Terry 7 months ago

    Dear Officer,
    My name is WU HOUYU and my passport number is E92722588. My application number is 101098721.
    It has been more than 25 days since my student visa application reached 80%(green) and it shows that my passport is in the immigration process. There is no progress until now.
    As I will be returning to China on 1th Aug 2024 to attend to an important matter, can you help me to confirm and make progress on my passport as soon as possible. The situation is urgent now, so please help me with the visa process.
    Please let me know if there is anything I can do. I really appreciate it very much.

  20. Aisha Al Zaabi 7 months ago

    My track
    Can be 80% through this week
    Also I have cases my vacation only on August

    • EMGS Officer 7 months ago

      Hi Aisha Al Zaabi,
      We are glad to assist with your enquiry. However, in order to get all the details of your application, we would need to retrieve your record. Kindly provide us with a passport number and your full name to assist you accordingly. To keep your details private and confidential please email us at enquiry(at) and we will help you out.
      Have a good day.

  21. Onika Barkat 7 months ago

    Can you please update and include Bangladesh in the graduated pass list ,there are so many students from Bangladesh who would like to work in Malaysia after graduation it will help them to build their career in Malaysia.

    • EMGS Officer 7 months ago

      Hi Onika Barkat,
      Thank you for reaching out with your concerns regarding the eligible nationalities for the graduate pass in Malaysia, which currently does not include any Bangladesh nationals. The eligibility criteria for the graduate pass are determined by the Malaysian government. The list of eligible countries may be reviewed and revised by the Malaysian government. EMGS will promptly notify educational institutions and students of any updates regarding the graduate pass. We appreciate your understanding and welcome any feedback to improve our service.
      Have a good day.

  22. Shafy Muhammad 7 months ago

    Dear EMGS , My pasport number is P02393360, i would like to know how many working’s day to reach 70%? best regards

    • EMGS Officer 7 months ago

      Hi Shafy Muhammad,
      We are currently in the midst of processing your application. Allow us some time to proceed with the application. Any updates will be notified accordingly.
      Have a good day.

      • likith mudagani 6 months ago

        Dear officer, my passport number is Z7808468, and EMGS is showing it has no records but university has said they have submitted to EMGS pls help me with this process because my intake date is 24 September
        Thank you.

  23. Arslan Fakhri 7 months ago

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  24. 林 郑 7 months ago

    Dear Sir. My name is ZHENG LIN and I have submitted my Student visa application. The passport number is EF4611724 and the EMGS application number is E701164111. I will go to Malaysia to study in University malaya. My flight itinerary is September 24,But the emgs process is still 35%. So please help me with the visa process. Thanks a lot !

    • EMGS Officer 7 months ago

      Hi Zheng Lin,
      Your application for a Visa Approval Letter (VAL) was submitted to the Immigration Department on 26 July 2024. It will take approximately 7-10 working days to issue the approval. Any updates will be notified accordingly.
      Have a good day.

      • Eric jiang 6 months ago

        Dear Emgs, my name is Jiang Kun. My passport number is EH5545776. I have green 35% on the Emgs application and mentioned 7-10 working days, but as of today, it has been more than 18 days. I want to know if there is any problem with my application. Please reply to me so that I can get the visa as soon as possible. Or how long will it take for me to reach 70%? My most sincere greetings, thank you!

    • Asha 6 months ago

      Hi I’m from india. What is your current emgs percentage my VAL application was submitted to the immigration Department on 31 july 2024 and currently my emgs percentage is 35 and 10 working days was completed.

    • Zeyar Ye Yint 6 months ago

      Hello did you get your VAL ??? How long did you have to take??

    • Zeyar Ye Yint 6 months ago

      Did you get your VAL ??? How long does it take???

    • Val Vallent 6 months ago

      Did u get the VAL already zheng? Mine also stuck in 35% even tho it’s already 10 days of working

  25. Azan 7 months ago

    Dear Officer,
    Hey my application has been stuck on 5% for almost a week now, my university says that they have uploaded the payment receipt for a while. Could you please check as soon as possible? Passport is AA3027845 and the application number is 101124724.

    Thank You,
    Azan Babar

    • EMGS Officer 7 months ago

      Hi Azan,

      Kindly be informed that your application is pending payment from the institution. Therefore, kindly refer to the institution and request them to submit the payment proof in order for us to process the application accordingly.

      Have a nice day.

    • John 6 months ago

      Test test

  26. Ali khan 6 months ago

    Dear emgs authorities humbly I request you to Pakistani student also include in your new graduate pass program.

  27. Shafy Muhammad 6 months ago

    Dear Emgs, my name is Mu Ham Mad Sa Phi Y and my passport number is : P02393360. as referring on Emgs App told that 7-10 working days but as of today it has been over 14 days i want to know if there is anything wrong with my application, please reply me ,so i can get my Visa as soon as possible . best regards , Alhamdulilah!

    • EMGS Officer 6 months ago

      Hi Mu Ham Mad Sa Phi Y,
      As checked, your documents are in progress with the Immigration Department for VAL approval. We kindly seek your patience and understanding in allowing them some time to give the approval. Any updates will be notified accordingly.
      Have a good day.

  28. Tauhidun Nabi 6 months ago

    @sri-thurga Dear EMGS officer, I submitted my passport # A04034707 for new multiple entry visa on 5th July 2024, Processing started on 9th July 2024 and for almost 1 month the progress is stuck at 90%. By this time, my old mother slipped and severely injured. I badly need to see her. Would appreciate your kind support as it’s stuck at 90% for almost 1 month.

    • EMGS Officer 6 months ago

      Hi Tauhidun Nabi,

      Kindly be informed that your institution has collected your passport with student pass at EMGS. As such, kindly refer to the institution for further assistance regarding this matter.

      Have a nice day.

      • NOR AB DUL LOH 6 months ago

        Dear EMGS Officer,
        My name is NOR AB DULLOH, my passport is P02001282. My application stucking at 35%, it said that it will take 7-10 days of working. Today is 10 days from 13/08/2024 but nothing happens?

        • MRS Mahi 6 months ago

          How long does it take for your application to go from 15% to 30%?

        • Sabrina 6 months ago

          Hi Nor, I am in the same situtation, did your’s get approved to 70% and if so, how long?

  29. Syeda Sana 6 months ago

    Dear sir,
    I am Sana Mehmood, Passport ZD0153992, my visa application process status is constently showing 90% from last 2 and a half weeks. My return flight is on 26th August, 2024. Is there any possibility to get Visa till Friday? Please help me to get my visa process completed.

    Looking forward to your positive response.Thank you

  30. John 6 months ago


  31. Waddah Esam 6 months ago

    Is their any chance that you can add an african country for the Graduate pass ?!

  32. LIU TINGLEI / UPM 6 months ago

    Dear Officer,

    My name is Liu Tinglei, and my previous passport number was EA0421036. My new passport number is EM0664272. I am in an urgent situation as I have applied for a visa transfer, and my current visa is nearing expiration. I am very concerned that the delay might affect my graduation timeline.

    Could you please help me check the status of my application and expedite the process? I would greatly appreciate your assistance.

    Thank you very much.

    Best regards

  33. WANG ZHAOYANG 6 months ago

    My Name is WANG ZHAOYANG, and my Passport Number is EL9038630,my Application Number is E701172203.
    I found that my student visa application has progressed more than 8 workdays(15% green), as referring on EMGS told 1-4 workdays. If possible, could you please help me speed up the review and checking

  34. Muhammad Farras 6 months ago

    Only for high earnings country? Are they want to work in Malaysia?

  35. Benazir 6 months ago

    Hello I Hope this message finds you well. I am Benazir Ahmadi from Afghanistan
    During my scholarship application, I mistakenly chose BBA instead of BCS.
    Despite numerous attempts, I found it impossible to change my major on the online portal and ultimately submitted my application with the incorrect major. During the interview, I wanted to address this issue but feared losing the scholarship, so I did not bring it up.
    Upon arriving at the university, I realized I do not have the financial means to change my major. I am seeking assistance in correcting this mistake and changing my major from BBA to BCS. Your help in this matter would be greatly appreciated.”

  36. rasika chockalingam 4 months ago

    Hi I submitted my application but I have to correct some documents. Where do I upload these documents? Passport number: U0074970 ( Indian) . Please help me!!

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