Join EMGS for a live Graduate Pass Q&A Session!

Did you know that the Malaysian Government’s new Graduate Pass program lets eligible students work in Malaysia for up to 12 months, without the need for an employer sponsor?

Got questions about the Graduate Pass? We are hosting a live online Q&A session to provide all the answers you need.

Date: 6th June 2024

Time: 3pm – 3.30pm (GMT+08:00)

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 520 530 6823

Passcode: 713826

Don’t miss this chance to learn about eligibility, benefits, and the application process from our experts.

  1. Rebecca Seera 10 months ago

    There is no African country that is eligible for this but we are eligible to study in Malaysia.
    It’s only a give for Africns.

    • EMGS Officer 10 months ago

      Hi, Rebecca Seera.
      We understand your concern about the eligible nationalities for the graduate pass in Malaysia, which currently does not include any African nationals. However, kindly note that the eligibility criteria are determined by the Malaysian government.
      Have a good day.

    • ابن الحاج 6 months ago

      Dear EMGS,
      I’m Asadaldin Ahmed with Travel Document Number: 09072877
      Application Number: ME701180888
      I started the applying before 1 month and I already have solved all the problems in my application
      May you expedite my process because the studying has started on 7th Oct and I am just exchange student for one semester. For that,I have to be at umpsa ASAP

      I am waiting your response

  2. Mahfuz Ahamed 4 months ago

    I would like to express my concern about the lack of a graduation pass for Bangladeshi students in Malaysia. Despite paying the same fees as students from 23 other countries, we are not granted the same opportunity to explore and experience the country post-graduation. Many other countries provide this option to their students, allowing them to broaden their horizons, gain valuable experience, and better understand the local culture.

    It feels unfair that we are excluded from this benefit, especially when we contribute equally to the economy and educational system. I sincerely hope EMGS will consider revising this policy to provide Bangladeshi students with the same opportunities as others.

    Thank you for your understanding.

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