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Active 21 hours, 40 minutes ago
Salam, I’m Anwar Zeti Aishah passport A11806921. It’s been more than a month, I have applied for my intra variation visa but it still is at 15% with more documents required. Could you tell me how long it will take to proceed? As far as I’m concerned, I have submitted all my required documents to my institution. Please kindly reply. View
Zeti Aishah Anwar posted an update 21 hours, 48 minutes ago
Zeti Aishah Anwar posted an update 3 weeks, 2 days ago
Zeti Aishah Anwar posted an update 1 year, 2 months ago
Hi Zeti Aishah Anwar,
Kindly be informed that your application was pending submission of the additional documents from the institution. As such, kindly refer to the institution and request them to submit at EMGS in order for us to resume the process of your application.
Have a nice day.