Delara Ansari posted an update 2 years, 12 months ago
Delara Ansari posted an update 3 years ago
The regulations say ‘recently infected. The proof is an AG blood test proving that the person has a large number of covid antibodies.
This is what I found. Does RTK AG means blood test for antibodies?
“ b) Provide proof indicating that the traveler had been infected with COVID-19 eleven (11) to sixty (60) days prior to their departure to Malaysia. The proof can be presented either in physical or digital format.
c) Travelers who have a history of being hospitalised for C…[Read more]
AG blood test ONLY counts the antibodies. It tells if a person was infected or not infected in the past. It can never mean that the person is currently infected.
Swab test can tell if a person is infected.
a friend of mine brought her positive test results as well as negative PCR for them to check. All she did was a rapid test at the airport and didn’t need quarantine
Delara Ansari posted an update 3 years ago
I just paid for on campus accommodation, my application is new and yellow at 35% requiring accommodation address after quarantine, and my institution will be sending them soon.
Any of you guys know how long it takes to get eval and TA at this stage? (I think will get it at 70%) So that I can apply to get SEV.
I already booked my flight on…[Read more]-
Mine took only 5 days after sending additional documents at 35%
I think you waited a lot to get EMGS approval letter though right? I went through your old posts. Was it because your documents weren’t completed?
So after that (receiving EMGS approval letter at 35%) you got eVAL and TA so fast? You received them recently btw?
Thank you
3-5 working days for the application to turn into green after submission of missing documents or clarifications.
Afterwards, if your application is complete and vetted, there will be another 3-5 working days for submission to the immigration department. Afterwards, you will need betwewen 7 and 14 working days to get an answer from the immigration…[Read more]
Do not change the flight if possible. Because here a lot of formalities like Quarantine, Medical Checkup, Student Pass processing. All of them will take some time. So If possible, arrive earlier.
I will probably just travel on February 18th as I already booked the quarantine hotel.
Wishing you the best of luck. Let us know what you decide to do.
The reopening is a proposal by the National recovery council. Nobody knows if Putrajaya will endorse it or not.