Active 2 years, 11 months ago-
Delara Ansari posted a new activity comment 2 years, 11 months ago
14th January 2022
1. PURPOSE1.1 The purpose of this bulletin is to provide an update on the media statement issued by Health Minister of Malaysia Y.B. Khairy…[Read more]
This is from EMGS website
Yes this is only about those recently infected by covid. (Within 11 to 60 days prior to traveling )
Oh right
Delara Ansari posted an update 2 years, 12 months ago
Do not change the flight if possible. Because here a lot of formalities like Quarantine, Medical Checkup, Student Pass processing. All of them will take some time. So If possible, arrive earlier.
I will probably just travel on February 18th as I already booked the quarantine hotel.
Wishing you the best of luck. Let us know what you decide to do. -
The reopening is a proposal by the National recovery council. Nobody knows if Putrajaya will endorse it or not.
Delara Ansari posted a new activity comment 2 years, 12 months ago
Delara Ansari posted a new activity comment 2 years, 12 months ago
Delara Ansari posted a new activity comment 3 years ago
This is what I found. Does RTK AG means blood test for antibodies?
“ b) Provide proof indicating that the traveler had been infected with COVID-19 eleven (11) to sixty (60) days prior to their departure to Malaysia. The proof can be presented either in physical or digital format.
c) Travelers who have a history of being hospitalised for C…[Read more]
Delara Ansari posted an update 3 years ago
The regulations say ‘recently infected. The proof is an AG blood test proving that the person has a large number of covid antibodies.
This is what I found. Does RTK AG means blood test for antibodies?
“ b) Provide proof indicating that the traveler had been infected with COVID-19 eleven (11) to sixty (60) days prior to their departure to Malaysia. The proof can be presented either in physical or digital format.
c) Travelers who have a history of being hospitalised for C…[Read more]
AG blood test ONLY counts the antibodies. It tells if a person was infected or not infected in the past. It can never mean that the person is currently infected.
Swab test can tell if a person is infected.
a friend of mine brought her positive test results as well as negative PCR for them to check. All she did was a rapid test at the airport and didn’t need quarantine
Delara Ansari posted a new activity comment 3 years ago
Delara Ansari posted a new activity comment 3 years ago
Visit MySafeTravel website:
You just need to enter some information and then you can see the list of hotels.And yes you can book from hotels directly as well.
You can see the list of quarantine hotels and there websites here:
Contact them and…[Read more]-
Can u please tell what is approximate cost for 5 days quarantine(5 days) or 7 days quarantine.
The cheapest one but with internet.-
Cheapest options on MySafeTravel are ‘Cosmo hotel’ and ‘KIP hotel’ standard packages.
1. RM 175 per night,
2. RM 250 each PCR test (RM 500 for both tests)
3. Tranfer from airport options: shuttle bus from RM 100, private transfer from RM 250Total:
RM 1475 (5 days quarantine)
RM 1825 (7 days quarantine)
Delara Ansari posted a new activity comment 3 years ago
Your student visa application will remain at 50% until you are in Malaysia and submit your passport to your university.
But you have to wait for your TA to be able to travel.
Check your TA status on EMGS website not app. (Choose travel authorization)https://visa.educationmalaysia.gov.my/emgs/application/searchForm/
Delara Ansari posted a new activity comment 3 years ago
Delara Ansari posted a new activity comment 3 years ago
Alright @delara Thank you for ur sharing 😊 But, I’ve another question. You mentioned before that we will do 2 times pcr test right? So, the 1 time test will be test on the arrival right?
That’s right and you must pay for it through MySafeTravel
Delara Ansari posted a new activity comment 3 years ago
Delara Ansari posted a new activity comment 3 years ago
Still after updated and upload my own certificate in mysejahtera i did not recieve update on the app.i decide when i arrive kl i start it again…i think ut should be work on kl.
i recieved sinopharm..
Safety comes first. Snow is not good for flight. Be safe and all the best.
Same about me! I also received Sinopharm but no update on the app after over a week.
Please keep us updated and let us know how it goes.-
Mysejahtera is showing that it is running some maintenance.
Delara Ansari posted a new activity comment 3 years ago
Delara Ansari posted a new activity comment 3 years ago
Is Sinopharm acceptable?
And may I know when should I register in MySejahtera application?
I’m still waiting for VAL and TA, but registered and also uploaded my vaccination certificates from my country, but my status says ‘not vaccinated’ after around 7 days.
And there are some questions in the app about my location and people around me! Is it a…[Read more] -
Delara Ansari posted a new activity comment 3 years ago
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Oh right