Active 1 year ago-
Muhammad Nuzulul Furqan posted an update 1 year, 4 months ago
Dear EMGS team @EMGS , I am Furqan Muhammad Nuzulul, my nationality is Indonesia, with application number: E#########, I ask for help to process my eVAL application, until now it is stuck at 32%, I really ask for help to process my application because I I have to attend offline classes, and this has been going on since the previous 2 October, I…[Read more]
Hi Muhammad Nuzulul Furqan,
As per checking, your documents was submitted to the Immigration Department for the VAL approval on 05th October 2023. Be informed that the VAL approval process takes 7 – 10 working days. However, the approval is solely at the discretion of the Immigration Department. Rest assured, we will notify once the EVAL is…[Read more]
Shafira posted an update 1 year, 4 months ago
32%? With emgs this will take at least 7 to 10 working days to go to 70% and emgs has no power over this . Immigration department holds the power. Sometimes they will do in 5 days but it’s rare. So from 32% to 70% will about 20days could be less.
Hi Shafira,
Please be informed that your documents are ready for submission to the Immigration Department for VAL approval. Rest assured, we will notify the student and Institution on the application progress via the EMGS system accordingly.
Have a nice day.
Iftiab Ahammed Sarker posted an update 1 year, 5 months ago
Shafira posted an update 1 year, 5 months ago
hi, may i know when is ur class will start?
Hi chai, In 6 october 2023
which uni are u going to?
UTM, how about you?
i will going to UKM. based on my experience, some uni require us to submit some document to their visa department after apply for the visa (cause i had your problem too). after i give my document to them, my application change to 15%. maybe u can contact their visa department so you know what to do
I already contact visa department by call and email, and my problem always because my payment, so i went to the bank in my country to ask them about the problem and also ask EMGS. but until now my visa progress still 5%. It worries me.
aa so ur problem is with the payment right? yeah maybe the solution is only contact the bank. anw r u from indo?
Ya, i’m from indo. How about you?
me too!! mungkin bisa coba kontak ppi utm aja kak, kemaren aku kontak ppi lumayan kebantu
Omg lucky me, btw aku boleh minta kontak kamu kah? Buat sharing” bareng
Yaa, Yes, I’ve been to the bank several times. and just yesterday EMGS said that the payment had been received. But does the visa progress immediately increase after the money comes in? should I wait a while first?
i think ur problem is because u haven’t submit the documents to the visa department
Visa departement is EMGS right? Which documents do you sent to them?
noo, there is a visa department in each uni. u should ask them are u need submit ur documents or not. In my uni i need to submit my passport, proof of payment for visa processing fee (fee to the uni not for emgs), and my emgs application number
Ohhh i see, okeoke i will do it. Thank youu
Chai@ Are you going for Master’s? I am also going to UKM for Master’s
hi, i’m going to undergrad program!! are u already get ur eval?
Havn’t yet. Mine is 35%.
aa i see i see. are u going to bangi or cheras campus?
I am going to Bangi Campus.
Which subject are you going to study?
hi, i’m going to study actuarial science but i think if my eval doesn’t issued on time i want to change course (if able to), how about you?
Hello chai! I’m going to Ukm too and I’m from Indonesia!
hai kakk, how about ur visa kak?udah berapa persen?i alrd applied since mid august tp sampe sekarang masih 15% 🥲
haii chai, aku udh 35% habis ada koreksi foto, skrng nunggu 7-10 hari kerja lg buat proses ke 70%. Temen-temenku yg ngga ada problem malah udh pada dapat e-VAL, mereka apply sekitar tgl 24 atau 24 Agustus
*koreksi dokumen
*tanggal 24 atau 25 Agustus-
jarak antara submit dokumen yg problem sampe 35% berapa hari kak?
@chai 2 hari aku kemarin
oalaa keren, iisma kak? aku ambil s1. katanya kaya gitu tergantung durasi study nya, kalo cepet visa nya juga cepet
aamiin makasi kak, btw ada ig gitu ngga kak aku mau tanya tanya
lumayan cepet juga ya kak, btw ambil s1 ato apa kak?
aku ikut pertukaran pelajar aja 1 semester di UKM, km sendiri??
bukann iisma kak, program dari kampusku, btww kerenn bgtt S1 di Malaysia, semoga lancar ya kak!!
akuu ada ig, @shtnr_
Me too I’m still stuck at 35%
Right, but do you know the problem with your visa?
There is no problem, I have done everything as they asked.
Same here. My EMGS also stuck on 35% since 24th August.
Hi Shafira, I had issues with my VAL too. I needed to refer to the upu @ utm.my (without the spaces) . This is the visa admin utm office. Try to reach out via email.
Thank you Vanessa
Hi Shafira,
We are glad to assist you with your enquiry. However, in order to get all the details of your application, we would need to retrieve your record. To keep your details private and confidential please email us your full name and passport number at enquiry(at)emgs.com.my and we will assist to check your application.
Have a nice day.
Iftiab Ahammed Sarker posted an update 1 year, 6 months ago
Hi Muhammad,
We are more than glad to assist you on this matter. However, in order to get all the details of your pre-entry checklist, we would need to retrieve your record. Please email us your full name and passport number at ‘enquiry(at)emgs.com.my’ and we will verify the documents accordingly.
Have a nice day.