+ How to make sure your passport photo is not rejected July 16, 2018July 16, 2018, 21 Here are some tips so your photo meets EMGS requirements!
+ EMGS Student Stories – Part 1 Copy June 8, 2018June 8, 2018, 2 We asked a couple of people what it's like studying in Malaysia. Here's what they had to say.
+ EMGS Student Stories – Part 3 July 9, 2018July 9, 2018, 8 We asked a couple of people what it's like studying in Malaysia. Here's what they had to say.
+ EMGS Student Stories – Part 1 June 8, 2017June 8, 2018, 14 We asked a couple of people what it's like studying in Malaysia. Here's what they had to say.
+ EMGS Student Stories – Part 4 July 11, 2018July 11, 2018, 19 We asked a couple of people what it's like studying in Malaysia. Here's what they had to say.
I want to joined
Very inspiring opinions of students from diverse cultures…..inshallah i am at ready foot to see alll this with my own eyes..
Insha allah
Very motivating opinions of students from diverse cultures…..inshallah i am at ready foot to see alll this with my own eyes..
No…it is my first comment…please accept it…Malysia is a dreamy land to visit.
I really appreciates Malaysian People and Culture