javed berki posted an update 7 years, 1 month ago
Salam emgs….please guide me about my application no E#########. It was at 7 percent on 31 december 2017. But in the evening it was rejected. Again i was informed to reorder but latter on the emgs official reopened it on uum university request. Now i have made a further draft of 150 extra fees along with documents. The emgs site is showing the status of my application as documents recieved but pending due to institutional payement. Please help me out to understand all this acadecabra?
Which university? I have paid the extra fees still then canceled my application saying there is a shortfall. But I have paid some extra dollars so that there would be no shortfall.
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Which university? I have paid the extra fees still then canceled my application saying there is a shortfall. But I have paid some extra dollars so that there would be no shortfall.