Hi, Zahirah Dhiya Utari.
As per checking, there is no record under the passport number. Kindly provide us with the correct passport number or application number to assist you accordingly. To keep your details private and confidential please email us your full name and passport number at enquiry(at)emgs.com.my and we will help you out. Please note that Immigration will take approximately 7-10 working days from the date we submitted the document for VAL approval.
Have a good day.
As per checking, we submitted your document to immigration on 17 May 2024. This process might take 7-10 working days from the date we submit the document. You may refer to this website https://visa.educationmalaysia.gov.my/emgs/application/searchForm/?___SID=S for further information.
Have a good day.
Hi, Zahirah Dhiya Utari.
As per checking, there is no record under the passport number. Kindly provide us with the correct passport number or application number to assist you accordingly. To keep your details private and confidential please email us your full name and passport number at enquiry(at)emgs.com.my and we will help you out. Please note that Immigration will take approximately 7-10 working days from the date we submitted the document for VAL approval.
Have a good day.
I apologize for mistakenly writing my passport number before. E6938510 is the right one Mr/Ms🙏🏻 thank you
As per checking, we submitted your document to immigration on 17 May 2024. This process might take 7-10 working days from the date we submit the document. You may refer to this website https://visa.educationmalaysia.gov.my/emgs/application/searchForm/?___SID=S for further information.
Have a good day.