a s sharath posted an update 6 years, 1 month ago
a s sharath posted an update 7 years, 6 months ago
a s sharath posted an update 7 years, 8 months ago
Yes I have received it via email. Have you got it ?
no sis…i have some issues..when did u recieve
I received it in Friday. You contact your university and EMGS
Speak about the issues.
What are your issues?-
can u wats app me if u dont mind?
need some help
issues with my certificates
Give your number. Write your number in words
nine four four five two one five eight eight four
did u recieve sis
@meghna congrats!
Thank you very much @kashif khan
a s sharath posted an update 7 years, 8 months ago
Hi A S Sharath,
Please be informed that it takes approximately 1 to 2 working days for EMGS officers to verify your documents. It might take longer than the approximate time frame if we require corrections, any additional documents or clarifications from your institute.
Thank you and have a nice day.
a s sharath posted an update 7 years, 8 months ago
a s sharath posted an update 7 years, 8 months ago
Add around 8 weeks to it.
Talk to your university
Depends on the university.. usually take around 2 weeks
How about UTM? Is it also around 2 weeks?
When university send ur application to EMGS Then the processing will take 2 weeks .
Hi A S Sharath,
Kindly be informed that your documents are being vetted and your institution will be notified on further updates regarding your application. Have a nice day.
Thank You.
a s sharath posted an update 7 years, 8 months ago
It shows 35% now. What about your progress?
it is showing nothing…!
i am confused a lot…
what is ur whats app number ya…this is mine +#########884.
Contact EMGS. Is it not showing any percentage?
when will you go there..!
Just waiting for the VAL to arrive. May be in the end of august
okie okie…. may i know your email id ?
a s sharath posted an update 7 years, 8 months ago
You have way more than sufficient time. Don’t worry
If you have submitted all the supporting documents to EMGS after submitting the online application and fee, just relax. You got enough time, and even if you would get late, your university should accommodate you. Every year thousands of international students go to Malaysia and many report late to their universities due to late visa approval. Thanks!
a s sharath posted an update 7 years, 8 months ago
a s sharath posted an update 7 years, 8 months ago
Mail your university. Okay does our country need SEV?
yeah..we need it
this my whatsapp +#########884.
when are you planning to leave
Let’s see . beginning of September may be. Let me receive the VAL first.
ping me in whats app every step of your status.. so that i can ask my unieversity about mine
Have you received your offer letter from the University? You can only create and track your application once you have an offer letter
yes i have received.
In that case, try and give your Uni a call to find out whats happening on their end.
a s sharath posted an update 7 years, 8 months ago
Are you sure your application was actually made? Usually as soon as it’s in the EMGS system you’ll see it when you track ( something like 10% and waiting for your documents)
no sir nothing like as you said is displayed. but my payment is confirmed
i submitted my application 10 days before.
I think they are off for holiday in Malaysia. You need to talk to the university next week.
ya i recieved with my application number and payment confirmation also bt the problem is i am not able to track
usually how long it will take after registering?
I’m facing the same issue. I asked around n they emailed. They’re waiting from the university itself to confirm n send the documents. From what I understand the delay caused by the university. My application was completed by June 20, yet there’s no record every time I tracked. After 24 hours of confirmation from the university. You’ll be able to track it
let me know once your VAL has been approved
a s sharath posted an update 7 years, 8 months ago