Wilbert Harianto posted an update 4 months, 4 weeks ago
Dear EMGS and Immigration Visa Departement, I am Wilbert Harianto, Postgraduate Student Master Degree Universiti Malaya, Software Engineering (Software Technology), Passport Number: X1510693, Application Number: E#########. Please to fasten my visa issuance, the orientation week is starting this Monday Universiti Malaya. Please expendite to…[Read more]
Lina Setiawati posted an update 5 months ago
Dear EMGS Staff,
I am Lina Setiawati (passport no: X1849672). I would like to know the estimated timeline for receiving my eVAL, as my classes at the institution have already begun in early September. I need this information to plan my travel to Malaysia as soon as possible.
I would appreciate it if EMGS could provide a more accurate estimate…[Read more]
Mujaroh Khotimah posted an update 5 months, 1 week ago
Lina Setiawati posted an update 5 months, 1 week ago
Dear EMGS Staff, I am Lina Setiawati, with passport number X1849672. I am writing to inquire about the progress of my immigration visa approval. As of September 6, 2024, my visa status shows 35% (green), and I would like to kindly ask for an update on the current status of my application.
Since my university classes have already started in August…[Read more]
Mujaroh Khotimah posted an update 5 months, 2 weeks ago
Dear EMGS Officer,
My name is Mujaroh with passport number E1135270. My university has already submited an adittion document as requirement. Today, the progress is stuck on 15% (under checking documents). Please let me know if any corrections or to be solved. The dateline to submit e-VAL to my university is next week then I should come to malaysia…[Read more] -
Lina Setiawati posted an update 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Dear EMGS, I am Lina with passport number X1849672. My visa application status has been at 32% for the past 4 days. I am quite worried about the status of my visa. Could you please provide guidance on any steps I need to take or any additional information required from my side? I’m very happy if you could provide an estimated time for me when I…[Read more]
Wilbert Harianto posted an update 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Mujaroh Khotimah posted an update 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Hi Mujaroh Khotimah,
We understand your concern. As checked, the application is currently in progress with the relevant department. We will look into this matter as well. As such, we kindly seek your patience in allowing us some time to proceed with the application. Any updates will be notified accordingly.
Have a good day.
Lina Setiawati posted an update 6 months ago
Muhammad Nur Faqih posted an update 6 months, 1 week ago
Hi Muhammad Nur Faqih,
We understand your urgency. As checked, we are currently in the midst of processing your application. Allow us some time to proceed with the application. Any updates will be notified accordingly.
Have a good day.-
So, how many days do the EMGS need to continue the process? Or is it permissible for me to travel to Malaysia while the students visa not finish?
Hi Muhammad Nur Faqih,
It is not recommended for you to be in Malaysia while the application is in process. We kindly seek your patience in allowing us some time to process the application. Any updates will be notified accordingly.
Have a good day.
Muhammad Nur Faqih posted an update 6 months, 1 week ago
@emgsconnected Hi, my passport number is C7047460. The remain status of my application is 15%. I really appreaciate what EMGS has done, but hopefully the further process can be continued more faster. I can not decide when I have to go to Malaysia if the progress does not show good progress till now. Thanks in advance.
Muhammad Nur Faqih posted an update 6 months, 2 weeks ago
@emgsconnected Sorry to bother you
Permission to follow up on my student visa (passport number C7047460) which has been almost 2 weeks without any significant progress.
I plan to bring my family to Malaysia, if the completion of the student visa is late, I will also be late in processing the visa for my family.
Thank you
Hi Muhammad Nur Faqih,
Please be informed that we require additional documents from the institution. Kindly note the course duration in the offer letter does not tally with the course duration in EMGS system. The institute is required to submit a new offer letter with the correct course duration or submit an amendment request to change the course…[Read more]
Muhammad Nur Faqih posted an update 6 months, 2 weeks ago
Muhammad Nur Faqih posted an update 6 months, 2 weeks ago
Tri Pratiwi
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Sdh Dari tanggal berapa di 35%?
Dari tanggal 18 September
Iya ke UM juga Phd
Oo. Salam kenal kak🙌
Semoga keluar eval kita Salam minggu ini. Ada yg mengajukan tgl 13/9 sdh keluar evalnya
Amin kak, iya aku lg cb telpon pihak emgs, sama UM Visa Unit juga untuk push segera
Dapet jawaban ga? Aq cb email cuma dijawab lg di proses di imigrasi
Tadi aku udh telepon emgs sama UM unit visa. Mereka 22ny mau push ke immigration. Boleh coba kak tadi aku disuruh email ke ######### , nanti UM request ke emgs juga.
Kalo ini emgsnya
Saya aja Dari tgl 11 Sept belum keluar evalnya
Waduh, dari Universiti Malaya Postgraduate juga kak?
Saya dari 4 september belom keluar malah🥲
waduh, semoga visa kita bisa cepat keluar semua ya
Waduh, apalagi aq yg tanggal 11