Active 2 months ago-
Omniaa posted a new activity comment 3 years, 1 month ago
Noof Bani Khaled posted an update 3 years, 1 month ago
I have an positive result for COVID-19 and I plan to enter Malaysia next 2 weeks with my husband he will enter by tourist visa.. because of the last updated regulations of EMGS I don’t need for quarantine so can I go with my husband to langkawi, when I arrive kuala lumpur with him?? please let me know-
Bring an AG blood test that proves you have been recently infected plus the certificate of full vaccination.
Most likely you will be exempted from the quarantine ij which case you are free to travel within Malaysia but it is entirely up to the discretion of the Ministry of Health.
it is applicable to all international students.?? I’m new student.. the decision without any details
Applicable to everyone as long as the AG test proves you were infected 60 days maximum before travel date.
If you want to fly to Lngkawi then this should be done after you get your passport stamped for entry. Then you can go wherever you want.
Assalamualaikum .
Can I get to how did you apply for tourist visa for your husband? Since i am new i cannot go alone. So i badly need help how I can take my husband with me.
Noof Bani Khaled posted an update 3 years, 1 month ago
So far, nothing new except Langkawi’s International Travel Bubble. In case of a successful booster vaccination, there’s a chance the SOPs on tourism will be loosen. But it will also depend on the health ministry’s decision. Let’s keep an eye on things and see what happens.
Hi, If you have valid student visa and if you wish to apply dependent passes for them, they can enter Malaysia with tourist visa. First you should obtain “my travel pass- new dependents”.
My family recently came Malaysia with tourist visa and they have received their dependent passes.-
@mohammad_65 This is what you have told me Mohammad.
now no tourist visa for Malaysia I asked the embassy before 2 weeks.. if you please can you tell me in details.. but not to go to the langkawi it needs bags of money
They entered through Langkawi tourist buble? Please tell me about procedure I want to come with my husband and kids.
Ms. Akila kindly guide me on this.
My husband and two kids came to Malaysia on 03.01.2022. They came with visit/tourist visa. Not through Langkawi tourist bubble. If you request tourist visa from embassy, they will tell that tourists are not yet allowed to Malaysia. That’s why you should first get “My travel pass-New dependent” approval document. With this approval letter you…[Read more]-
How long it may take to get student pass/visa?
It took 3 weeks for me
Thank you so much
Thank you so much Akila. Very useful information that many of us has struggled so long to get.
so I have to come to Malaysia first then they can come?? this is my problem I can’t.. but can you tell me how many days to be with you??
It took nearly 3 weeks to get student visa
Hmm so it may take almost 2 months to whole process🥲. Thanks
Sara Mir posted a new activity comment 3 years, 1 month ago
Ayyoob posted an update 3 years, 1 month ago
I understand you submitted your passport to the university for the student sticker. Your university submitted the passport to emgs. Correct?
In this case, you need to wait for three working days until the passport is received, then between 2-5 working days for emgs to submit it to the immigration department.-
I was told from university that they applied for Special pass first Im a bit confused. Can you explain the process to me with time lengths. And when my emgs app would show an update.
Special pass is for students overstaying their visas. At any rate, if your passport goes to emgs first them to immigration, you need to allow three working days for the passport to reach emgs, then around 14 working days for processinig your special pass and visa sticker.
Amin Akbar posted an update 3 years, 1 month ago
Is it an eval or renewal application?
What does you current status specifically say?-
In apps my status is document checking. But in website emgs, i got a emgs approval letter,
Can i contact you in sosial media or whatsapp ?-
it’ll be forwarded to immigration for Eval. it may takes 7/10 days to get Eval. So you have to wait & check your update status. there is difference for days between App & website to update. It’s ok.
Md Imon Hosen posted an update 3 years, 1 month ago
50% green is good for now. I assume the error in the application is fixed .
Allow for 5-7 wroking days from Jan 7.
It is advisable after 7 wroking days to email emgs to see where your appeal stands. Copy your university as well to follow up on their side.After the appeal is submitted to the immigration department, it can take between 7 to 14…[Read more]
Hi.Have a nice day!!!
Have anyone know long it take cancel privious eVAL application. I am waitting from 23 December 2021.
Thank you so much.-
Why do eVAL cancel
What is your EMGS%?
Originally, eval cancellation takes roughly one month. The pandemic, however, is making a precise timeline highly unpredictable. Check regularly with your universtiy.
Because Pademic Covid_19 . I unable to come to Malaysia to study until my eVAL expired.
The institution has submitted my new application.
However, the institution need to CANCEL MY PREVIOUS eVAL Application so that the new application can be submitted.
Banan Alzyde posted an update 3 years, 4 months ago
Yellow means your application is on hold pending the provision of documents. Technically, you can travel to Malaysia with the travel authorisation but make sure you contact your university to urge them to send whatever missing documents.
I did, but my university workers are beyond lazy and careless, but i have booked my flight for 11 November
We are glad to assist you with your enquiry. However, in order to get all the details of your application, we would need to retrieve your record. To keep your details private and confidential please email us your full name and passport number at enquiry(at)emgs.com.my and we will assist to check your application.
Have a nice day.
hasib khan posted an update 5 years ago
@translation Hi I have a query. My emgs application is currently at 50% and they have asked for me to submit passport. But my passport has gone for special pass endorsement. I was thinking that if my university can apply for student pass renewal directly at state immigration office after getting my passport back and supporting letter from emgs. I…[Read more]
To start with, 80% means you have to submit your passport to the university so that it can get the sticker from immigration. 90% means the sticker has been issued.
In theory, if the university chooses to get the sticker from the state immigration department, the process should be light-years faster than through the usual way. In my case, the…[Read more]
Hi Hasib,
Generally, if your passport is currently processing for special pass, we will only be able to begin processing your renewal application once the special pass application has been completed.
However, kindly send us an email providing us with your passport number in order for us retrieve your application details and assist you…[Read more]
sohaib_7 posted an update 5 years, 1 month ago
Hamko Aboo posted an update 5 years, 1 month ago
Hamko Aboo posted an update 5 years, 1 month ago
J Wyse posted a new activity comment 6 years, 2 months ago
Yes. I was unable to contact them via phone call so It emailed them instead and they responded within 7hrs.
Email service is better.They told me why my application has been rejected at the current stage and that Is should provide a specialist report more like a solid statement from a specialist regarding my condition. Just as you guys…[Read more]
Chuks Peter posted a new activity comment 6 years, 2 months ago
Chuks Peter posted a new activity comment 6 years, 2 months ago
@translation sure… why not..
There’s no button also using a computer. I can’t see any download button any where also except application progress history.
Check it properly.
Julia Chang posted an update 6 years, 2 months ago
I also renewed my passport when validity was remaining of 17 months… just now asked to your country passport office that malaysian immigration requirement is 18 months validity of passport after that they can give u new passport. 1st go and talk to your passport office in your country
How long does it take for emgs to process again with your application after you submitted copy of the new passport, i heard that it might takes about to 3 weeks for emgs to start processing again with the application
In my case they took 2 weeks
Have you received your eval already? And how long does it took after submitting your new passport to get your eval? I am really concerning ad my sem will start by mid of march
I am already in Malaysia. After submitting new passport they took almost 2 weeks to update your new passport after that EMGS will send your application to immigration department and mine eval was approved in 3 days and normally it take 4 to 7 days to get eval
Good to know that, my application is already 35% and i think after submitting the new passport the next step will be eval already, thank you very much
Dear @shawal_1 i had the same problem but i got the new passport and i provided the new one to the EMGS they send me email saying that they receive my new passport last Friday i wanna how many days it will take to get eval or to process my application
Maximum 2 weeks brother
Hi Omnia. You need to explain that to your university and ask it to talk to the immigration department. Although the regulations require a 18 month valid passport, the Immigration departmeny can exercise discretion on a case to case basis. In my situation I had to renew my passport prematurely and paid double the normal price. I understand this…[Read more]
I read about the requirements of renewing a valid passport in Egypt. A passport that is valid for over 9 months can be requested to be renewed provided you submit justifications to prove your case of renewal. Check with the passport department in your district.