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Active 8 months, 2 weeks ago
Dear EMGS officer
I am writing this to ask about the status of my aplication for the Passport No AG1359971 .All the additional required dacuments were submitted by institution on 15 May but still is is not getting update. Kindly inform about the latest development . View
السلام عليكم @TESSA . Documents for e-visa are :
Copy of passport with previous page of your info page. in addition your Eval. other papers are already available. then before completion you need to pay fee then submit , two to three days u will get it . The significant thing is Does your country includes with E-Visa
@Gora, thanks for helping your fellow students here. Keenly following your post here. You support here is appreciated.
I guess the SEV fee is 20MR?
Hi Tessa Stefan Romual,
Kindly seek clarification from the Embassy directly regarding pertaining to the required documents and your application status.
Have a nice day.