Congratulations on the approval of your application. The notifications are sent automatically from our system. This is to notify you of the next step in your application. Kindly note that your institution will submit the required documents once you have arrived in Malaysia.
Kindly ensure to enter Malaysia with a valid VAL and SEV. Be informed that the VAL is valid for 6 months from the date of issuance.
It’s ok
This is to be done when you arrive
Hi Reham Ahmed,
Congratulations on the approval of your application. The notifications are sent automatically from our system. This is to notify you of the next step in your application. Kindly note that your institution will submit the required documents once you have arrived in Malaysia.
Kindly ensure to enter Malaysia with a valid VAL and SEV. Be informed that the VAL is valid for 6 months from the date of issuance.
Have a nice day.