Active 1 year, 10 months ago-
Naomi Benita Sudradjat posted a new activity comment 2 years, 1 month ago
Naomi Benita Sudradjat posted an update 2 years, 1 month ago
Hello. I wanna ask to the EMGS and I hope they themselves reply. My e-VAL progress is at 35% with green color since 25 November 2022. It has been 6 weeks in immigration. It has always been on delay. Does it mean I need to submit additional documents to the Immigration ? What should I do ? Beacuse I have never been notified that I should submit…[Read more]
Naomi Benita Sudradjat posted a new activity comment 2 years, 2 months ago
Bila semua berkasnya dilihat dan dikonfirmasi ke EMGS tidak ada yang kurang setidaknya sampai 22 hari kerja baru ada eVAL, saran sy coba dicek ulang dan tlp ke EMGS apakah data Mb tidak ada yg perlu dikoreksi (misalkan wktu registrasi dlm OL sudah lewat,dll), saran sy untuk lebih cepatnya via TLP..
Hello there dear . The problem with EVAL that it solely immigration determination . and literally nobody knows when they finalize it so be petient plz. they say 7-14 day but it takes more or less than what they officially announced
Naomi Benita Sudradjat posted a new activity comment 2 years, 2 months ago
70% cukup
Bila Mb sudah sampai di Malaysia kemudian submit pasport kebagian internasional student di kampus lengkap dg hasil medical checkup, dg catatan
sudah bayar asuransi dan jg personal bond barulah proses nya bsa sampai di 100% dan Mb akan dpt Multi Entry Visa stelah sebelum berangkat Mb harus urus single entry visa (SEV) dan lwat website urus SEV lebih cepat.
Naomi Benita Sudradjat posted a new activity comment 2 years, 2 months ago
It only needs to be 70% for you to get E-val and travel
So it doesn’t have to be 100% at all??
70% cukup
Bila Mb sudah sampai di Malaysia kemudian submit pasport kebagian internasional student di kampus lengkap dg hasil medical checkup, dg catatan
sudah bayar asuransi dan jg personal bond barulah proses nya bsa sampai di 100% dan Mb akan dpt Multi Entry Visa stelah sebelum berangkat Mb harus urus single entry visa (SEV) dan lwat website urus SEV lebih cepat.
Naomi Benita Sudradjat posted an update 2 years, 2 months ago
Same here. Almost a month since I got 35% and same January intake.
Check if it’s yellow, green or red
It’s fortunately green. Do you have any idea how long it’ll take for it to be 100%? I am scheduled to leave before January 5th..
It only needs to be 70% for you to get E-val and travel
So it doesn’t have to be 100% at all??
70% cukup
Bila Mb sudah sampai di Malaysia kemudian submit pasport kebagian internasional student di kampus lengkap dg hasil medical checkup, dg catatan
sudah bayar asuransi dan jg personal bond barulah proses nya bsa sampai di 100% dan Mb akan dpt Multi Entry Visa stelah sebelum berangkat Mb harus urus single entry visa (SEV) dan lwat website urus SEV lebih cepat.
Saya juga dari indo. Emang ga ada ketepatan waktu itu semua kewenangan kedubes bisa cepat / lambat kamu tinggal tunggu aja
Okay kak, thanks infonya 🙏
Bila semua berkasnya dilihat dan dikonfirmasi ke EMGS tidak ada yang kurang setidaknya sampai 22 hari kerja baru ada eVAL, saran sy coba dicek ulang dan tlp ke EMGS apakah data Mb tidak ada yg perlu dikoreksi (misalkan wktu registrasi dlm OL sudah lewat,dll), saran sy untuk lebih cepatnya via TLP..
Hello there dear . The problem with EVAL that it solely immigration determination . and literally nobody knows when they finalize it so be petient plz. they say 7-14 day but it takes more or less than what they officially announced
Try to push /email ur institution to dealt regarding your visa issue
They told me they’re also chasing my issue with the e-VAL with the immigration.. I’m just curious why it’s so long (6 weeks in) because my intake is in January.
EMGS Officer @sri-thurga please read my inquiry, thanks.
dear brother . The problem with EVAL that it solely immigration determination . and literally nobody knows when they finalize it so be petient plz. they say 7-14 day but it takes more or less than what they officially announced.
So be patient. Six weeks means u r almost there. A friend of mine took 2 months, another friend took 1 day🤣. Couple of…[Read more]
Thank you for the information.
Hi Naomi Benita Sudradjat,
Kindly be informed that there is no exact time frame for the VAL approval and the approval is solely at the discretion of the Immigration Department. However, in order to get all the details of your application, we would need to retrieve your record. To keep your details private and confidential please email us your…[Read more]