Active 1 year, 3 months ago-
Muhammad Nuzulul Furqan posted an update 1 year, 4 months ago
Dear EMGS team @EMGS , I am Furqan Muhammad Nuzulul, my nationality is Indonesia, with application number: E#########, I ask for help to process my eVAL application, until now it is stuck at 32%, I really ask for help to process my application because I I have to attend offline classes, and this has been going on since the previous 2 October, I…[Read more]
Hi Muhammad Nuzulul Furqan,
As per checking, your documents was submitted to the Immigration Department for the VAL approval on 05th October 2023. Be informed that the VAL approval process takes 7 – 10 working days. However, the approval is solely at the discretion of the Immigration Department. Rest assured, we will notify once the EVAL is…[Read more]
Muhammad Nuzulul Furqan posted a new activity comment 1 year, 4 months ago
hai juga, iya besok katanya udah masuk😭
udah berapa lama 32% ? jdi takut aku kelamaan juga 😭
aku dari tanggal 27 kemarin nih
harusnya 10 hari udh bisa dapet, maybe tggl 7 nnti baru dpt, kalau udh dpt nnti update ya, soalnya aku penasaran huhu
iya tapi fyi teman aku from 32% ke 35% cuman 2 hari doang, gatau kenapa setiap orang pemrosesannya dibuat beda beda, kan makan waktu bgt buat nunggu lagi🥹
mungkin karna kamisnya libur jdi lama prosesnya, ditambah lgi sabtu minggu, mungkin minggu ini bisa naik lagi 🥲
Hi Muhammad,
We are more than glad to assist you on this matter. However, in order to get all the details of your pre-entry checklist, we would need to retrieve your record. Please email us your full name and passport number at ‘enquiry(at)emgs.com.my’ and we will verify the documents accordingly.
Have a nice day.