Active 9 months, 1 week ago-
Malikaxon Anvarxojaeva posted a new activity comment 9 months, 2 weeks ago
Malikaxon Anvarxojaeva posted a new activity comment 9 months, 2 weeks ago
Malikaxon Anvarxojaeva posted an update 9 months, 2 weeks ago
Kindly clarify with us whether the institution submits the documents at the front counter or by email. In the event, that your Institution has submitted the request, kindly provide us the email case number in order for us to follow up with your application status.
Have a good day.-
Okay thank you
Malikaxon Anvarxojaeva posted a new activity comment 9 months, 2 weeks ago
Please be advised that your passport has been in progress with the Immigration Department since 16 May 2024 for Student Pass sticker endorsement. The process takes approximately 14 working days from the date we receive the passport which is from 10 May 2024. Therefore, allow Immigration some time to proceed with the endorsement. Any updates on…[Read more]-
Yes. I know it takes 14 days but When I called immigration office they said I can submit supporting document from universitand university already sent that letter today. I need to have urgent surgery on Mal 28th, please review my case and help me to process with application quickly
Kindly provide us with the case number of the email that you sent to us.
Have a good day.-
I asked my university to send me the case number will update you once I receive it. Thank you have a nice day
Malikaxon Anvarxojaeva posted an update 9 months, 2 weeks ago
We require more information to proceed with your inquiry. Please provide us with your application number or passport number in order for us to check and advise accordingly.Have a nice day.
My passport number is
Please be advised that your passport has been in progress with the Immigration Department since 16 May 2024 for Student Pass sticker endorsement. The process takes approximately 14 working days from the date we receive the passport which is from 10 May 2024. Therefore, allow Immigration some time to proceed with the endorsement. Any updates on…[Read more]-
Yes. I know it takes 14 days but When I called immigration office they said I can submit supporting document from universitand university already sent that letter today. I need to have urgent surgery on Mal 28th, please review my case and help me to process with application quickly
Kindly provide us with the case number of the email that you sent to us.
Have a good day.-
I asked my university to send me the case number will update you once I receive it. Thank you have a nice day
Malikaxon Anvarxojaeva posted a new activity comment 9 months, 3 weeks ago
Malikaxon Anvarxojaeva posted a new activity comment 9 months, 3 weeks ago
Malikaxon Anvarxojaeva posted an update 9 months, 3 weeks ago
Hi, Malikakhon Anvarkhujaeva.
We understand your concern. However, in order for us to check the passport status we would need your full name and passport number. To keep your details private and confidential, please email us at enquiry(at)emgs.com.my and we will assist in checking the status.
Have a good day. -
Sent. Thanks
Kindly provide us with the case number of the email that you sent to us.
Have a good day.
I asked my university to send me the case number will update you once I receive it. Thank you have a nice day