Khalid Al Shidhani posted an update 7 years, 2 months ago
Appeal to the Department of Immigration Why this delay in issuing val has now been a week and no visa has been issued
Well I waited three months for appeal so it might take awhile…
long time bro
What’s the delay about.?
I didnt upload all of my passport pages and also Cause i travelled malaysia before so the asked for the latest exit stamp! But i wish all the best for u and hope u dont have to wait that long!
Hi, Ida u travelled while waiting So u r rejected or when u Apply u r in Malaysia, Coz I want to SEV first for final exam
we are same time same recjection and same delayed i think today we get resuit
Hi muse Did you know what the reason for rejection?
yes already i know and the coreection was send emgs so that my apeal submited by imiriration since 14 decembar
Tell me what was the reason?
May i know why you got rejected
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Well I waited three months for appeal so it might take awhile…
long time bro
What’s the delay about.?
I didnt upload all of my passport pages and also Cause i travelled malaysia before so the asked for the latest exit stamp! But i wish all the best for u and hope u dont have to wait that long!
Hi, Ida u travelled while waiting So u r rejected or when u Apply u r in Malaysia, Coz I want to SEV first for final exam
we are same time same recjection and same delayed i think today we get resuit
Hi muse Did you know what the reason for rejection?
yes already i know and the coreection was send emgs so that my apeal submited by imiriration since 14 decembar
Tell me what was the reason?
May i know why you got rejected