itzz shirr posted an update 6 months ago
Dear EMGS staff,
I hope this message finds you well.
My name is Shirley Elizabeth Tambunan and my passport number is E2740518.
I am writing to inquire about the status of my application. Currently, my application stands at 70% completion, and I have obtained a single-entry visa. Could you please inform me of the percentage completion required to be permitted to travel to Malaysia?
Thank you for your assistance.🙏🙏
Hello. Hope you are well. How much time did it take to reach 70%
hello it took about 2 weeks for it to reach 70%
Thank you. So let me be patient
haloo single entry visanya perlu diurus secara terpisah atau udah otomatis barengan sama eval yaa?
halo, perlu diurus secara terpisah setelah dapat eVAL nya
urus sev nyaa berapa hari yaa sampe keluar sevnyaa?
kemarin aku dapat nya dalam satu hari,tapi biasanya 2 working days
ohh okee2, itu urusnyaa hrs ke kedutaan Jakarta atau urus by onlinee?
kemarin aku urus nya by online
ohh okee2 thank you yaa
Halo, kalau mau urus e-visa online tapi engga ada credit card bisa ga ya kak? Contohnya pakai debit card bca yang ada logo mastercardnya
halo, maaf kak kalau itu saya kurang tau kak🙏
Please be informed that you may proceed to enter Malaysia once you have obtain eval and evisa. The percentage will be change along together with the processed to obtain the student pass.
Have a nice day.
Okay,thank you🙏🙏
haloo mau tanya apply sev nya darii website mana yaa?
nanti harus register dulu sebelum apply
okee2 thank youu yaa!!
or Create an account
Hello. Hope you are well.
How much time did it take to reach 70%
it took about 2 weeks for it to reach 70%
Thank you. So let me be patient
haloo single entry visanya perlu diurus secara terpisah atau udah otomatis barengan sama eval yaa?
perlu diurus secara terpisah setelah dapat eVAL nya
urus sev nyaa berapa hari yaa sampe keluar sevnyaa?
kemarin aku dapat nya dalam satu hari,tapi biasanya 2 working days
ohh okee2, itu urusnyaa hrs ke kedutaan Jakarta atau urus by onlinee?
kemarin aku urus nya by online
ohh okee2 thank you yaa
Halo, kalau mau urus e-visa online tapi engga ada credit card bisa ga ya kak? Contohnya pakai debit card bca yang ada logo mastercardnya
maaf kak kalau itu saya kurang tau kak🙏
Please be informed that you may proceed to enter Malaysia once you have obtain eval and evisa. The percentage will be change along together with the processed to obtain the student pass.
Have a nice day.
Okay,thank you🙏🙏
haloo mau tanya apply sev nya darii website mana yaa?
nanti harus register dulu sebelum apply
okee2 thank youu yaa!!