Active 7 years, 6 months ago-
islam abdulfattah posted a new activity comment 7 years, 6 months ago
islam abdulfattah posted an update 7 years, 6 months ago
islam abdulfattah posted an update 7 years, 6 months ago
islam abdulfattah posted a new activity comment 7 years, 6 months ago
islam abdulfattah posted an update 7 years, 6 months ago
Same problem
So how are we going to do?
So whats gonna happen, the uni told me they will contact the head of school and give me a reply but it is still till next week.
We’ve got the same deadline but mine’s at 35%
My only hope is that they speed up the process as the dead line is close
Call your uni instead of email and ask them
it will take 15 to 20 more days to be approved your val..
When I spoke to them they replied telling me that my VAL will be issued on Monday In Shaa Allah so I will be waiting.
thats great 🙂
islam abdulfattah posted an update 7 years, 6 months ago
SEV stands for Single Entry Visa so if SEV not required for your Country then you don’t need SEV.
Dear Islam, can you spend only 1 hour to get your SEV from Malaysian Embassy? Yes, go on.
I got my VAL then entered the country with no sev since my egyptian passport doesn’t require one however they told me at the uni that I still need to get sev. Had to leave malaysia and return after getting sev. I strongly advice u to get it
Can’t I get it on the winter Vacation and that will be not exceeding the 90 days!?
Val only will be enough for you .. i am from libya and we don’t need visa so i just printed out from my e-mail then came to malaysia immediatelly
careful that you will not be allowed to enroll in the University unless you have both a valid VAL and SEV. If you enter with anirmal pass (tourist visa-90 days) and not a special pass (SEV) you will not be able to process/obtain a student pass and you’ll have to leave the country and reenter with sev
Visa waiver for Egyptians for and other nationals is in the case of tourism purposes and for durations of stay less of 90 days or less. Any duration intended more than 90 days(which is the case for study purposes) you are required to obtain visa at the nearest Malaysian embassy.
Note that if you already received VAL, it’s only 3 days at the embassy to obtain SEV. I am Egyptian too btw.
You can’t obtain SEV occe you are already in Malaysia. It has to be at Malaysian embassy at your country of residence. Most Arab countries require SEV. Only a few asian countries are exempted.
Thanks I have went to the embassy already and my SEV will be out Tuesday In Shaa Allah. Thanks man!