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Active 3 weeks, 1 day ago
Good Afternoon
Dear EMGS Officer
I’m Faizura Ridzuan, Passport No:W9637502
Kindly,verify my flight info in EMGS Hub.
Thanking you! View
Faizurah Ridzuan posted an update 3 weeks, 3 days ago
Hi Faizurah Ridzuan,
The details have been verified. You may refer to the app for further details.
Have a good day. -
Hi, I’m an EMGS Blogger and a 3rd year economics student at Universiti Malaya. If you have questions about life in Malaysia, learning Malay, understanding Malaysian culture, or maximizing internship and research opportunities, please feel free to contact me directly via this link:
You can reach out on Instagram or L…[Read more]
Kindly be informed that your flight info has been verified. Kindly check in the EMGS mobile apps for the update.
Have a nice day.
Hi, I’m an EMGS Blogger and a 3rd year economics student at Universiti Malaya. If you have questions about life in Malaysia, learning Malay, understanding Malaysian culture, or maximizing internship and research opportunities, please feel free to contact me directly via this link:
You can reach out on Instagram or L…[Read more]