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Active 1 day, 23 hours ago
Dear EMGS officer,I hope you can read my message.
I am currently renewing my student visa. The last visa expired on March 25th which is today. I have submitted the special pass I need to apply and both with the documents for renewing my visa, but I have urgent matters to leave Malaysia on April 9th and return back on April 13th. Can I get my p […] View
郑浩杰 posted an update 3 days, 18 hours ago
Dear EMGS officer,I hope you can read my message.
I am currently renewing my student visa. The last visa expired on March 25th which is today. I have submitted the special pass I need to apply and both with the documents for renewing my visa, but I have urgent matters to leave Malaysia on April 9th and return back on April 13th. Can I get my p…[Read more]
We are glad to assist with your enquiry. However, we appreciate it if you could direct your enquiry along with your passport number or an application number to our email at enquiry(at) for further assistance.
Have a good day.