balakao posted an update 5 years, 3 months ago
Hi I want to change university do I need new VAL?
Hi Balakao,
Yes, you are required to apply for new a VAL under the new institution. However, the approval is solely at the discretion of the Immigration Department.
Have a nice day.
How about changing only the programme of study??
@balakao The same procedure applies for change of course. You are required to apply for a new VAL under the new program.
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Hi Balakao,
Yes, you are required to apply for new a VAL under the new institution. However, the approval is solely at the discretion of the Immigration Department.
Have a nice day.
How about changing only the programme of study??
@balakao The same procedure applies for change of course. You are required to apply for a new VAL under the new program.