It is too soon to be submitting the application now, since your intake is February 2020. Kindly note that VAL applications can be submitted no more than 3 months before the applicant’s entry into Malaysia. We advise that you liaise with your institution.
P.S.:- I am Indian amd currently in Italy.
Hi Ayman,
It is too soon to be submitting the application now, since your intake is February 2020. Kindly note that VAL applications can be submitted no more than 3 months before the applicant’s entry into Malaysia. We advise that you liaise with your institution.
Have a nice day.
I am thinking to apply for VAL during December. Will that be alright? P.S.:- I have already booked a flight to Malaysia for 27th of January.
@ayman_36 Applicants are not advised to book flight tickets prior to the issuance of the VAL by the Immigration Department.
I have booked a flight which is changeable free of charge. Is there any problem now too?