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Active 1 month, 1 week ago
Hello, please my passport is already with Immigration. I need to fly back tomorrow the latest, or else I’ll lose my job. Please speed up the process or simply give it back without stamp. Fine with me as long as I fly back. I can’t be stranded here and lose my job. View
Alessia Chizzoniti posted an update 1 month, 1 week ago
Alessia Chizzoniti posted an update 1 month, 1 week ago
!!!SCAM ALERT!!! Last week I saw a message on this platform, by an alleged Officer. I contacted him since I really need to be back ASAP. He mentioned a Fast Track application, which is an option in other countries therefore sounded reasonable, sent me a form and asked for payment. I proceeded since I’m panicking at the idea of being stranded h…[Read more]
@EMGS how come people who are not students/officers have access to the platform???
Hi Alessia,
Kindly drop an email to enquiry(at) with your passport number, to check further on your request. Once you have sent the email, please provide us with the case number.
Have a nice day.