Active 1 year, 8 months ago-
posted an update 1 year, 5 months ago
How did you manage to get it sooner? Any tips to advice us ?
I will advise you to disturb your university because once its 35% EMGS can not help you, and also keep praying only the Almighty can help you get your eval on time
did you contact ur university while your application is 35%?
When did your visa approval sent to immigration ?
On 6/9/2023
Congratulations on the approval of your application. If you are from a country that requires a Single Entry Visa (SEV) to enter Malaysia you are required to proceed to the Malaysian Embassy in your home country and apply for the SEV upon receipt of the eVAL.
However, if you are from a country that does not require the SEV you can proceed to…[Read more]
posted an update 1 year, 5 months ago
Dear EMGS officer’s, my application is still 35% and its green please can you help me and check why my VAL is not issued yet, I’m running out of time and I might miss the classes, I I’m supposed to arrive one week before classes but I’m stuck at 35%, I will really appreciate if you can do something about it, thank you for your cooperation and…[Read more]
My passport number is B00695533
My application number is E#########, from Nigeria -
Kindly be informed that your documents was submitted to the Immigration Department for the VAL approval. Unfortunately, at this stage of the application, we are unable to expedite the process as it is still within the processing agreement. The VAL approval is solely at the discretion of the Immigration Department of Malaysia.
Have a nice day.
posted an update 1 year, 5 months ago
We are glad to assist you with your enquiry. However, in order to get all the details of your application, we would need to retrieve your record. To keep your details private and confidential please email us your full name and passport number at enquiry(at)emgs.com.my and we will assist to check your application.
Have a nice day.
Ahmed Alhattami posted an update 1 year, 11 months ago
السلام عليكم حبيبنا احمد
اليمنيون يدخلون بدون فيزة ..ياخذون الفيزة عند الوصول-
طيب هل لازم الجامعه يستقبلوني بالمطار؟ والا امشي وبس؟ وهل لازم اعبي ال pre enter checklist ؟؟
على المطار مباشرة حبيبنا.
حتى نتيجة الفحص ما يسألون.
انا في ماليزيا وانا احدثك..
Hi Ahmed Alhattami,
Congratulations on the approval of your application. If you are from a country that does not require the SEV you can proceed to arrange for your travel to Malaysia. However, you are required to refer to your Institution’s pertaining to the travel arrangement.
Have a nice day.
Ahmed Alhattami posted an update 1 year, 12 months ago
When do your semester start.
It might be diffrent people by people.-
My semester will start at 13/3/2023
Hi Ahmed Alhattami,
Once the vetting of your documents has been completed, we will submit the application to the Immigration Department for their approval. Kindly be informed that there is no exact time frame for the VAL approval and the approval is solely at the discretion of the Immigration Department.
Have a good day.
MD Atiqur Rahman posted an update 2 years ago
Ahmed Alhattami posted an update 2 years ago
They took three to four days with me
Hi Ahemd Alhattami,
Once the vetting of your documents has been completed, we will submit the application to the Immigration Department for their approval. However, the approval to issue the EVAL is solely at the discretion of the Immigration Department.
Have a nice day.
Zai posted an update 2 years ago
MD Atiqur Rahman posted an update 2 years ago
Hold on a little longer bro. I was frustrated like you but Allah has made it alhamdolillah, i am writing to u from Malaysia right now. Remain positive
Thanks bro… How long your update 35%-70% ?
22 days
Okk Bro… do you like to add me on Facebook? “Muhammad Atiqur Rahman ”
حياك الله عتيق .
I dont use Facebook anymore, too occupied though but your welcome to WhatsApp me if you intend to
Hi MD Atiqur Rahman,
To keep your details private and confidential please email us your full name and passport number at enquiry(at)emgs.com.my and we will assist to check your application.
Have a nice day.
Mohammad Riazul Hasan posted an update 2 years ago
abdulmalk Elmagrabi posted an update 2 years ago
Ahmed Alhattami posted an update 2 years ago
السلام عليكم احمد
كالعادة حبيبنا ..ما يفرقون في المعاملة بين الدرجات العلمية-
شكرا حبيبنا، اخاف يطولون 💔
لازم ابدا بنص شهر ٣-
استعن بالله ولا تعجز..
ابدا في المعاملة طال عمرك ..ان طولت فيمكنك تأجيل الفصل الدراسي ..والحقيقة انهم راح يطلون ..لكن وقت الدراسة تكون قطعت نصف المسافة اذا بديت في المعاملة من الان
وفقك الله
Joshua Nsiah Turkson posted an update 2 years ago
It would be better 8f it is your personal account otherwise i knew a friend from Nagiria who used his uncle’s one showing that he 8s sposoring him.
Save as much to impress-
Thanks very much but is there any figure I have to at least save in my account? They also required a letter from my sponsor. With reference to the letter from my sponsor, should it be from my supervisor at the University? Thanks.
Whatsapp me bro so i can give u his number to take clear answer -
+60 11-1969 5538
Currently landed in Malaysia.
U may chat him to ask him those questions , he already did.
وفقك الله-
Thanks Mr. Abdullah Gora Mian.
So sorry bro. I can’t advise something i didn’t exprience that is why i refered to someone who went through your situation
I really appreciate your efforts inassisting me. You have assisted me in diverse situations; you have assisted me in almost every situation. Thank you very much for everything, Mr. Abdullah Gora Mian.
My pleasure bro. I cannot recall that but u havey number
I could not really get it the first time. Please can you give it to me again?. This is mine (+#########086).
yes. i would be needing this information too. i am applying from ghana. how much bank balance in USD do i need to show?
That is what I also wanted to know, Mr. Latif. Let us contact the line above (+60 11-1969 5538) and see if we could get answers to our questions. I would be glad if we could also connect.
Joshua Nsiah Turkson posted an update 2 years ago
اهلا .
I literally did not understand your first question, but your second question it is mention in official site that ot takes approximately two days but mostly less than that, i personally got in couple of hours-
Please this is my first question:
Can someone who applied from country A (Ghana) have his/her application submitted to country B (Nigeria) for processing?-
Sorry Sir, help me out to assist u
U applied from Ghana? Or Nigeria? Nigirian is allowed to apply online.
What do u mean by apply from Ghana and submit in Nigeria?-
I applied from Ghana but I received an email after applying for the eVISA online. I was informed in the email that my application has been submitted to The Malaysian High Commission in Nigeria for processing. The email was from eVISA Malaysia and that was two days ago.
Ohh. I see now. If it is official email then wait for their respind dear. They might have sort of process , internal policy for their country. The important point here is The email is official, then no concern
Thanks very much, Mr. Abdullah Gora Mian for your swift responses and assistance. I really appreciate it.
just call the embassy of Malaysia in the country you are living in at this moment ,, and ask them , if they can do it for you or not
Okay. Thank you very much.
ANEES ABDULGHADER posted an update 2 years ago
اهلا انيس
السلام عليكم
It is only immigration’s decision at this scope, no one involved, EMGS connection seaced here. Just wait bro , alittke longer
وفقك الله -
هل يوجد احد مثال هذه الحالة ، طال الانتظار اكثر من 20 يوم عمل فعلي ؟
حبيبنا …انا شخصيا اخذت 22 يوم ..فيه طلبة اخرون اخذوا اكثر ..اصبر وانا اخوك
استفسار اخير اخي
هل الجامعة تستطيع التواصل مع الهجرة بشمل رسمي؟-
السلام عليكم.
اهلا حبيبنا.
الجامعة جهة رسمية تستطيع التواصل مع وزارة الهجرة لكن..
ان كنت تقصد التواصل عشان يعجلوا بالموافقة على الايفال فللاسف حبيبنا..كلهم يقولون هذا قرارهم فقط دون تدخل من الطرف الاخر.
ماليزيا غير المملكة العربية السعودية تماما.
انا من مواليد المملكة لكن المعاملات ..عندنا ضغطة زر الحمد لله
شكرا لحضرتك
علي تجاوبك ومساعدتك ، في ميزان حسناتك إن شاء لله ، انا مزلت في الانتظار ووصلت 22 يوم فعلي ، المشكلة ان مل الطلبة للي معي راحوا ماليزيا لان ح يفتح فصل خاص ليهم كمجموعة وتعطيل الفيزا ح يفوت علي كل شي 🥲-
يا هلا وسهلا.
تراك قريب بالحيل.
الايام الاخيرة الطلاب ياخذون حول شهر.
نصيحتي لك وانا اخوك
رتب عفشك بحيث انك تكون مستعد تماما اول ما يجيك الايفال.
اذا انت من الدول الي يتطلب الفيزا الالكترونية فقدم مباشرة بعد الايفال.
انا احس بمعاناتك بتاخير الفيزا.
تحس انك جالس على النار.
ANEES ABDULGHADER posted an update 2 years ago
Ubair Noor posted an update 2 years ago
Can you help @abdullah1407
Hello there @Ubair Noor. I am in iium. PhD.
What can i do for u?-
Hi, Can you share your email address.
so i can share all details with you
My pleasure
ILKHOM ESHBOLTAEV posted an update 2 years ago
Ubair Noor posted an update 2 years ago
Hello there.
Mine as well at 17th February.
●For ur Visa. It depends where r u from?
Some countries are allowed to get E-Visa .
Here check at this site
https://malaysiavisa.imi.gov.my/evisa/evisa.jsp .
●For E-visa it takes approximately 2 days.
●E-visa is fater hence everything is online , offline one takes tow to four weeks in some places.
وفقكم الله-
please share your mail id
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A student from Mali does not require an SEV to enter Malaysia. However, they will obtain a visa on arrival upon your entry to Malaysia.
Have a nice day.