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Active 1 day, 21 hours ago
Dear officers:
My name is SONGJIAYAN,passport number is EJ6233562,application number is E701199248
Sorry for bother you,I am writing this letter to check on the progress of EMGS, it’s still at school is about to start on 17th,and the situation is very very urgent.please give me opportunity for enrolling university,Could you help […] View
嘉燕 宋 posted an update 1 week, 2 days ago
Dear staff member,my name is SONGJIAYAN,passport number:EJ6233562,application number is :E#########
My Val has made no progress since I turned thirty-five, which has really put a lot of psychological pressure on me. I’m worried that I won’t be able to study smoothly in Malaysia. my EMGS has been at 35 Yellow for two weeks now. My university sta…[Read more]
Hi Song,
We are in the process of amending the application details. Once we have amended the details, we will submit the application to the Immigration Department.
Have a nice day.