ZhenhaoWang posted an update 1 year, 5 months ago
Dear Mr/Mrs:
Greetings for EMGS, I am a Master student in UM. I am renewing my Visa recently. Because of my work, i need to return to China before October 26th to complete the on-site signing of scientific research cooperation project and perform the project cooperation content, but the EMGS record still 45%, now, so I hope you can help me expedite my visa processing.
My passport number is EJ2926314. My name is Zhenhao Wang. Could you please help me with that?
Thank you a lot. @emgs
We have taken note of your request to speed up the application process. However, we have advised you regarding your application status accordingly. Kindly take note that we will restrict your access if you continue sending numerous posts on this platform.
Dear Officer, thanks for your patience.