Ehab Deabes posted an update 1 year, 7 months ago
Hello I have just finished my study , and need to cancel my student visa. Can i use any travel ticket for cancellation or it must be to home country?
Hi Ehab Deabes,
You are required to submit a copy of the departing travel ticket to the applicant’s home country. If the applicant is not returning to their home country, he/she will need to provide additional documents to justify this.
Have a nice day.
Thank you for ur reply Pkease clarify wgat are the additional docs required for justification
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Hi Ehab Deabes,
You are required to submit a copy of the departing travel ticket to the applicant’s home country. If the applicant is not returning to their home country, he/she will need to provide additional
documents to justify this.
Have a nice day.
Thank you for ur reply
Pkease clarify wgat are the additional docs required for justification