Nabil Fikri posted an update 1 year, 11 months ago
Hello EMGS, my new mobility visa has been stuck at 35 percent for the past one month. Meanwhile my colleagues have already obtain their visa. What should I do?
where do you come from? do you have to submit any required document since one month ago?
I am from Indonesia. Yes it does, I have to submit revised statement letter. I’ve done it also since.
I am from Indonesia either, kapan kamu ngumpulin statement letter?
Sudah dari 10/2. Terus ada revisi tanggal 20/2. Udah diproses lagi stlh itu
eh sama
Nabil, boleh kita chat di platform lain? sepertinya kasus kita sama, kindly hubungi aku lewat dm ig alhasan_rohman, makasih
Hi Nabil,
In order to get all the details of your application, we would need to retrieve your record. To keep your details private and confidential please email us your full name and passport number at enquiry(at) and we will help you out.
Have a nice day.
or Create an account
where do you come from? do you have to submit any required document since one month ago?
I am from Indonesia. Yes it does, I have to submit revised statement letter. I’ve done it also since.
I am from Indonesia either, kapan kamu ngumpulin statement letter?
Sudah dari 10/2. Terus ada revisi tanggal 20/2. Udah diproses lagi stlh itu
eh sama
Nabil, boleh kita chat di platform lain? sepertinya kasus kita sama, kindly hubungi aku lewat dm ig alhasan_rohman, makasih
Hi Nabil,
In order to get all the details of your application, we would need to retrieve your record. To keep your details private and confidential please email us your full name and passport number at enquiry(at) and we will help you out.
Have a nice day.