Hello there. Absolutely it is possible. Your EVAL is valid for six months so what u have procede is to defer current intake and postpone it to approaching semester.
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The Visa Approval Letter (VAL) is valid for 6 months. The student must ensure to enter Malaysia within the validity of the VAL. You may refer to the Institution pertaining to the request to change your intake as they are in the best position to advice about it.
Hello there. Absolutely it is possible. Your EVAL is valid for six months so what u have procede is to defer current intake and postpone it to approaching semester.
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Hi Madush,
The Visa Approval Letter (VAL) is valid for 6 months. The student must ensure to enter Malaysia within the validity of the VAL. You may refer to the Institution pertaining to the request to change your intake as they are in the best position to advice about it.
Have a nice day.