Info Tech 9 posted an update 2 years, 8 months ago
Asalam O Alekum Brother /sister
I am Imran Ahmed Qureshi from Pakistan
I am here in IIUM UNIVERSITY right now.
Actually I want to ask you that My Student Visa expires on 4rth July and I go to Visa Unit for renewal but unfortunately they are not taking my passport and saying that you need to go back first then come again and submit your passport bcz our policy is changed so please guide me me.
My email address is #########
Thanks and Regards
you need to follow your university instruction and usually you need to make a renewal application 3 month before the expired date
Hi Imran Ahmed Qureshi,
The Institution will be required to submit the passport to EMGS for the student pass sticker endorsement process once we have notified the request to submit the passport. Upon the passport submission, the student must have at least 5 working days valid pass. Kindly refer to the link https://visa.educationmalaysia.gov.my/emgs/application/searchForm/ to check the application status.
Have a nice day.