A Ashour posted an update 4 years, 11 months ago
the vaildity of my VAL will expired on first week of May 2020. I canont fly to malaysia theses dayes as the airport is closed because of the corona virus. the airport will be closed till long time.
What shall I do !?
Do I have to apply for new VAL for september intake ?!
or there will be extension of vaildity of My VAL because of corona virus ?!
Best regards
Me too
Hi Ashour,
Kindly note that there are no VAL extension requests allowed by the Immigration Department. In the event that you are unable to enter Malaysia within the validity of the VAL, you will be required to apply for a new VAL.
Have a nice day.
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Me too
Hi Ashour,
Kindly note that there are no VAL extension requests allowed by the Immigration Department. In the event that you are unable to enter Malaysia within the validity of the VAL, you will be required to apply for a new VAL.
Have a nice day.