fardin shekh posted an update 5 years, 1 month ago
Dear EMGS, may I know normally how many days need to complete VAL correction process..? My one showing in progress with immigration since 3 days.!
Hi Fardin,
There is no specific time-frame required to complete the processing of VAL correction requests. The approval to amend the VAL is solely at the discretion of the Immigration Department. We will notify your institution once the VAL has been amended.
Have a nice day.
But the thing is my class will be start soon that’s why im scared about my progress
Mine is with immigration fir correction since 24th december and still no changes
May I know for what kind of correction ur apply.?
Someone else’s picture was in my val, not mine
Oh shit😬serious problem My photo was not clear that’s why I requested for new photo Amendment
Btw where r u from.?
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Hi Fardin,
There is no specific time-frame required to complete the processing of VAL correction requests. The approval to amend the VAL is solely at the discretion of the Immigration Department. We will notify your institution once the VAL has been amended.
Have a nice day.
But the thing is my class will be start soon that’s why im scared about my progress
Mine is with immigration fir correction since 24th december and still no changes
May I know for what kind of correction ur apply.?
Someone else’s picture was in my val, not mine
Oh shit😬serious problem
My photo was not clear that’s why I requested for new photo Amendment
Btw where r u from.?