You are required to obtain an offer from the new institution first. Once you have received the offer, you need to liaise with your current institution to cancel your Student Pass. Upon cancellation of the Student Pass, the new institution will submit an application for you. The processing fee is applicable.
The processing of the new application will take 14 working days. However, the approval to issue you with a VAL is solely at the discretion of the Immigration Department.
Hi Wena,
You are required to obtain an offer from the new institution first. Once you have received the offer, you need to liaise with your current institution to cancel your Student Pass. Upon cancellation of the Student Pass, the new institution will submit an application for you. The processing fee is applicable.
The processing of the new application will take 14 working days. However, the approval to issue you with a VAL is solely at the discretion of the Immigration Department.
Have a nice day