You may liaise with your institution concerning this. Usually they would process for the cancellation once you’ve applied. Should be done within 14 working days. All the best.
@chuks_3 The process does not take 14 working days. It takes 5 working days to cancel a Student Pass. Kindly refrain from giving incorrect information. Thank you
Thank you.I can’t find the way on the EMGS web and I have contact my institution.But if it take 14 days,which means beyond UPM regestration deadline,I will not study with my work pass.
Kindly liaise with your institution directly for assistance with the Student Pass cancellation. The cancellation process takes 5 working days. However, the approval is solely at the discretion of the Immigration Department.
You may liaise with your institution concerning this. Usually they would process for the cancellation once you’ve applied. Should be done within 14 working days. All the best.
@chuks_3 The process does not take 14 working days. It takes 5 working days to cancel a Student Pass. Kindly refrain from giving incorrect information. Thank you
My bad… accept my apology.. just that my friends one took up to that time range that’s why…🙏🙏🙏
Thank you.I can’t find the way on the EMGS web and I have contact my institution.But if it take 14 days,which means beyond UPM regestration deadline,I will not study with my work pass.
Hi Chengjun,
Kindly liaise with your institution directly for assistance with the Student Pass cancellation. The cancellation process takes 5 working days. However, the approval is solely at the discretion of the Immigration Department.
Have a nice day.
Ok,I see. I will connect my institution as soon as possible.