Zaynab Mowlabaccas posted an update 7 years, 5 months ago
At what % do you receive your VAL by mail? Mine is 80% but I haven’t received any mail yet!
Supposed to get when it hit 70%
But I should receive it by mail? Then only i’ll be able to travel on student visa right?
Try to mailed your university and ask about you val.
Yeh .. contact ur institution.. they should send to u by mail
They need to mail u offer letter and VAL if I’m not mistaken
or Create an account
Supposed to get when it hit 70%
But I should receive it by mail? Then only i’ll be able to travel on student visa right?
Try to mailed your university and ask about you val.
Yeh .. contact ur institution.. they should send to u by mail
They need to mail u offer letter and VAL if I’m not mistaken