Thania Febrianti posted an update 4 years ago
Where i can get the LETTER OF UNDERTAKING AND INDEMNITY? Because i have downloaded but thats is the old version LOU that we need to quarantine 14 days in 2020, where i can get the new version ?
Hubungi University dimana kamu belajar, Mereka akan memberi petunjuk kepadamu.
Hi Thania,
You can refer directly to NADMA or MOHE for further assistance.
Have a nice day.
Did you get the new form? I can’t find it
or Create an account
Hubungi University dimana kamu belajar, Mereka akan memberi petunjuk kepadamu.
Hi Thania,
You can refer directly to NADMA or MOHE for further assistance.
Have a nice day.
Did you get the new form? I can’t find it