Usama Naseer posted an update 7 years, 3 months ago
For those who’s Val appeal is pending from many days and month here is reason just get to know from immigration
they said in process with immigration boss to sign and he is on holidays Sorry was on holidays all cases is pending by the immigration Now they closed down emgs end of this year And in future student case will be submit direct to p…[Read more] -
Khandokar Taposh posted an update 7 years, 3 months ago
hello bro..your medical report all details is it correct? check it.
Yap… All reports were correct.
I have same problem it’s almost 8 months but still getting no response..
Where are you from bro ?
Send a mail or call to your university asking about the reason behind rejection….If they recieve the rejection letter from immigration they will tell you reason and guide you what you have to do or submit to make an apeal. May God bless you….
Thanks bro… I asked my University authority to check the issue. They’ll take proper steps. I wish everything will be fine.
EMEKA posted an update 7 years, 5 months ago
Syafi Endou posted an update 7 years, 6 months ago
Shawkat Rahman posted an update 7 years, 6 months ago
I got the message at 1am today, from 35% Green to 40% red.
I have two UK MSc, applied for a PhD at UTM, but don’t know why it’s been rejected.
U should contact ur Institution they may have ur rejection reason
Your institution will contact immigration and find out what’s the reason. Same thing happened to me. Now I’ve been waiting for 1 and a half weeks. Just need to be patience…
Hassan Malami Alkanchi posted an update 7 years, 6 months ago
Which varsity??
Mine is too
When you had applied?
14 days ago
Have you submitted any documents to UM after applied via EMGS portal or UM already have the same?
No,they already have my documents since when i apply UM is the best institution interms of every I really proud with the university.
Ar u undergraduate or post graduate
Me too but havent get email from my Uni, how about u?
I got notification from EMGS saying the have already collected by my institution and couriered.
I mean have your University send the color copy of ur val to u yet?
No they didn’t yet?
M Deq posted an update 7 years, 6 months ago
Rafiqa Irwandi posted an update 7 years, 6 months ago
still 10% nih visa gue.. jumat kudu k UM. g ngerti lagi
Udah brp hari 10%? Biasanya 4 hari gt udah naik, kalo kelamaan telpon emgs nya aja
aku dari medan nih, skrg 30%, intake september di USM, kalian masuk mana?
gw UM, sama nih september jg, berarti telat y?
Saya dari medan, skrng udah 80% tapi masih pending lalu di kasih tau ada 4 masalah seperti current pass, insurance cover note dsb. dan saya masih belum mengerti gmna maksudnya
bukannya 80% udah jadi y? hrsnya udh dpt VAL buat k imigrasi d medan sblm brgkt
Yang ngirim VAL nya dari pihak universitas kan ya?
Aku dari medan, statusnya 80% tapi pending
iya kayaknya.. coba tanya lagi, telpon aja.. itusih hrsny udh jd y
Ini tinggal tunggu val yg diemail sama kampusnya aja, punya aku jg kuning kok
Saya udah selesai , progress cuma 2 minggu . Kalian udah berapa lama menunggu ? Normalnya 3-4 minggu kalau tdk ada kendala
Kak @dpatty bisa bagi id line nya ke saya. Saya mau tanya2 kak sama kakak. Tolongg ya kak
Disini aja dek , biar yang lain pada tau jugaa soalnya mmg agak rumit
@dpatty kamu ke embassy yg dimana? Syarat buat SEV nya apa aja ya?
Oh kalau urus SEV bukan di embassy , tapi kalau di jakarta ada di Menara Palma Lt. 18
Address: Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Blok X2 Kav.6, Kuningan, Jakarta Pusat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12950
Telp: #########5. Mereka paling minta OFFER LETTER dari uni kamu , terus foto 2 lembar latar biru 4×6 sama ID card indonesia dan passport .-
Oooh oke deh, val nya perlu juga kan? Bisa pake salinan yg diemail aja atau hrs bawa yg aslinya?
Visa sama SEV beda ya? Kalo udah terima val selanjutnya apa? @dpatty
Berapa lama ngurus SEV di embassy jakarta? @dpatty
2-3 hari aja kak karena mereka cuma mau cek kebenaran data kita dan kasih sticker single entry ajaa
Status saya sekarang 80% kuning . Berarti saya hanya menunggu kiriman email dari univ saya gitu ya?
Iya, kurang lebih sih seminggu @muhammad_35
Tapi keterangan di persentase itu pending additional document fro institution
Dokumen yg pending ini nanti dilengkapin pas kamu sampai di malaysia
SEV dan VISA itu beda , SEV itu wajib kamu yang urus dari indonesia di alamat tadi . Bawa semua salinan yg udah kamu print dari email uni kamu , fotocopy passport kamu juga . Nah ketika SEV kamu jadi , kamu beli tiket one way ke malaysia . Hubungi uni kamu biar kamu dijemput dari pihak uni seminggu sebelum mereka tau flight kamu . Nah setelah kamu…[Read more]
@dpatty menurut kakak permasalahanku tadi kayak mana ?
VAL aja saya belom dapat kak @dpatty
Saya juga udah email ke uum tapi belom ada balasan dan di telfon berkali kali juga tidak di angkat.
Gpp kok, aku gitu juga, kamu tunggu aja val nya, org emgs nya kirim val nya dulu ke uum baru uum krm ke kamu
Bagaimana kita melihat bahwa orang emgs sudah mengirim VAL nya ke uum? @rafiqa
Kurang tau, tp kalo sudha dikirim uum akan segera email val nya insyaAllah
Iya kak jadi hari itu waktu pendaftaran i-kad nya sama pilih kalau tidak salah collect to emgs dan pilihannya ada 2 tadi itu satu sama courier to institution . Bedanya itu apa kak? @rafiqa
Dan saya pilih yang collect to emgs @rafiqa
Kurang paham jg sih soalnya aku gak milih deh kyknya. Mungkin kalo collect itu yg dikirim lewat email, kalo courier dikirim lewat pos.
Kamu kok bisa ngga dapat VAL tapi kenapa sudah 80
Persen? Kemarin daftar dimana dan agentnya siapa-
Saya daftar di EMGS,saya daftar mandiri @dpatty
Kak sev itu hrus diurus dijkt ya? Gbsa dimalay kah?
@dpatty ooh gitu.. Oke deh kak makasih banyak ya 😀
Ayoub D posted an update 7 years, 6 months ago
Azizur Rahman posted an update 7 years, 6 months ago
Wheelre did you get this info?
From someone who works in immigration
Then the info I got is wrong but I’m shocked who someone working in immigration can give Wrong info strange
Even if your words are true and true, this is special because we are not new, but we have submitted for approval for some time, so we must wait and rely on God
I don’t think so,
The real reason that the immigration, needs lot amount of money from private institutions, so the trick is the immigration pending all student visa,
So they put the institutions in pressure between there students and that’s leave all universities in a bad possible with all foreign embassies.; so the universities pay their req…[Read more]
What your telling makes no sense why would uni pay them even uni don’t care about this