Ikhram Saputra posted an update 5 years, 6 months ago
your university. you do not have to go EMGS. I am talking based on my experience in USM. yknsslly(@)gmail.com
Thank you for your reply. How about the insurance? Because my university told me to provide insurance but I don’t know how to get it? I have paid insurance in emgs val online registration and my eVal has been downloaded.
the insurance card you will get after you arrive at your university. Your university is supposed to have known this. I do not know why they ask it from you.
Hi Ikhram Saputra,
Please be informed that you are required to get in touch with your institution upon your arrival to Malaysia. They will guide you accordingly on the next course of action.
Have a nice day.
Ikhram Saputra posted an update 5 years, 6 months ago
Ikhram Saputra posted an update 5 years, 6 months ago
jgn panggil kak, im fresh graduate wkwk. syaratnya kmrn val, offer letter, KTP, KK, pas foto 4×6 bg putih, foto copy passpor kl gasalah
Sama duit 800++ kan wkwkw oke deek makasih banyak hehehe
iya sama sama. btw kampus mana?
UKM sist. Jurusan civil engineering. And you?
IIUM jurusan islamic finance
Hai ka, sa jg dari Indonesia. Sa mau tanya, kalau udah dapet VAL itu kita sudah bole beli tiket pesawatnya blm si? Atau nunggu SEV?
Ambil SEV dulu ke konsulat terdekat baru bisa pesen tiket pesawat hehe cmiiw
SEV itu bayar lagi kah? Itu ambil di Jakarta bukan si?
bayar lg dan nunggu prosesnya 3 hari kerja. atau ngga km tanya dulu ke univ nya perlu buat sev jg atau ngga
Ikhram Saputra posted an update 5 years, 6 months ago
bayar cuy 800rb ++
Matilah wkwkw… 2 juta 600 an ditambah 800k hmm itu kira kira bisa sehari ga ngurusnya langsung selesei bro?
btul bang, sudah bangkrut sebelum berangkat saya. Proses nya 15menit, tapi baru jadi sekitar 3hari kerja. Btw lokasinya bukan di konjen coba cek google visa malaysia itu kantor sendiri
Wkwkw.. wah berarti harus nginep dong bagi yg merantau nunggu 3 hari kerja.. zzz iyaa maksud gue tadi konsulat hehehe.. makasih bro infonya..
yaps benar, urus lg kmrn kena biaya 800 lebih dan nunggu 3 hari kerja
Itu konsulat jakarta atau pekanbaru kak?
Kampreett banget Kan kkwkw, kelen kenak dikampus mana guys? Aku ntar pas sampe sana harus kenak medical check up lagi 600ribu gilaaaa:)
Wahaha aku di UKM bang. Wih entahlah menetap ke negeri org dg periode tertentu emg harus bener bener uwaw wkwk
aku kemarin di jakarta dan itu tmptnya bukan di konsulat/kedubesnya. tapi di visa malaysia langsung. tempatnya di menara palma lantai 18
Ooh okay i see, thanks sist hehe
aku IIUM, ada yg sama ga
Assalaamu’alaikum… Saya Juga ke IIUM jurusan fiqh dan ushul fiqh… Mau nanya sis, berapa lama dari 35% ke 70%?
kayanya sekitar 7 hari kerja
Hai, sa jg dr Indonesia wkwk. Eh misal udah dapet VAL gitu kita udah bisa beli tiket pesawatnya belum si? Atau nunggu SEV nya jadi?
Ikhram Saputra posted an update 5 years, 6 months ago
Ikhram Saputra posted an update 5 years, 6 months ago
Srivatsa Vasudevan posted an update 5 years, 6 months ago
Srivatsa Vasudevan posted an update 5 years, 6 months ago
Srivatsa Vasudevan posted an update 5 years, 7 months ago
oh hi srivasta. at UCSI?
I finished laksmi… but since I went through the whole thing I know the procedure…now I am in university Malaya … I can stay in touch for doubts😊🙏
Can i know a lil bit more about ucsi,coz im new student there
Hello brother Steven. Nice knowing you! which course r u going to join ? Because if you are joining the faculty of business I can tell! 😊
Im taking mechatronic engineering ,
Oh okay bro! Stay close to university and push the staff to do their work. If you are not pushy they tend to mess. Teachers are a mix both good and bad teachers are there as is the case around the world…. stay close to univ so that u can avoid travel. Public transport is not that great in that area hence it’s better to stay close…
Is it true that in ucsi divided with tutorial and lecture class?and how is the mechanism learning in ucsi?
Well, if you are a bachelors student then as you said there will be both tutorial and normal class. Engineering faculty is decent as I understand. They have lots of foreign university tie-up. Only bad thing is since it’s a trimester system exams come very quickly and you have very little time to breathe…
What are the differences between both class? Because in my hometown ,we cannot find such methods
Which course are you taking laksmi? I did my msc actuarial science there…
i am join at master of child psychology at UCSI, but before i join the main programme i must clearer the english class
Yes it’s easy don’t worry! You will do well! Stay close to university and there are lots Of eateries… so you can manage. Masters classes are in the night generally. Public transport is bad in cheras area. But you can take ucsi bus and reach the train station.
that’s sounds good. mm how about the master class?
Ikhram Saputra posted an update 5 years, 7 months ago
Srivatsa Vasudevan posted an update 5 years, 7 months ago
ke malaysia kapan yaa?
September tanggal tiga… btw kamu email aku aja biar kontakan ikhramsa(@)gmail.com