Active 4 years, 4 months ago-
SJ posted an update 4 years ago
SJ posted an update 4 years ago
They won’t consider anything. I came my country just for 1 months with my 6 months old son for holidays. My home my husband is in Malaysia since 10 years and we are stuck apart from my husband. I got permission everythin for me but not for my son as dependants not allowed! Everyday pass in waiting of some good news for dependants entry but nothing yet
BTW my baby was 6 months who is now 20 months being away from his father so long
Please note that we are yet to receive an update on this matter. We understand your predicament. However, the decision is solely at the discretion of the Malaysian government. We will only be able to advise once there are further instructions from the relevant government agencies.
Have a nice day.
SJ posted an update 4 years ago
SJ posted an update 4 years ago
SJ posted an update 4 years ago
Please communicate to immigration – or whoever it is that you have contact with – that the UK travel ban needs to be lifted. I know, I know, it’s up to the authorities – but I don’t have any means of communicating with them, and *you* do.
The B117 variant is present in dozens of countries now, including Malaysia. Case numbers in the UK have…[Read more]
SJ posted an update 4 years ago
SJ posted an update 4 years ago
SJ posted an update 4 years, 1 month ago
SJ posted a new activity comment 4 years, 2 months ago
You’re right, and I apologise for that. All these months of crushing disappointment have left me very skeptical of any news that does trickle out. Back in September, I was asking someone else to cool it and please stop posting extremely negative takes about students possibly not being able to return until January, before the ban on student entry…[Read more]
SJ posted a new activity comment 4 years, 2 months ago
I’m not suggesting I have more knowledge than EMGS. The whole problem here is that none of us do. My point is that their bulletin is of very little use as long as it doesn’t clarify *when* we will be able to return, and I don’t think people should be satisfied until they let us know what’s going on with visa processing.
We deserve an update, not…[Read more]
SJ posted a new activity comment 4 years, 2 months ago
Re: your third point – section 1.8 states that the SOP applies to new students whose eval approval is currently pending. That isn’t useful information – it’s reiterating that those of us currently waiting for our evals will be able to follow the steps laid out in section 2b once our application is processed and our evals are issued. We’ve a…[Read more]
I see your intention, thank you for the effort and sorry for not engaging in the best way before. However, you could’ve do it in a more neutral way by not adding your personal pessimistic projection of the future like “we could still be stuck until 2022” (post below). Thats really unnecessary, especially when you state that in a reply to someone…[Read more]
You’re right, and I apologise for that. All these months of crushing disappointment have left me very skeptical of any news that does trickle out. Back in September, I was asking someone else to cool it and please stop posting extremely negative takes about students possibly not being able to return until January, before the ban on student entry…[Read more]
SJ posted a new activity comment 4 years, 2 months ago
Until they outright say “yes, immigration has resumed issuing evals”, our situation remains unchanged. Announcements of new bureaucratic procedures are worthless without details of when they’ll actually become relevant to us.
If EMGS had any confidence in students being able to return in the near future, they’d say so. They’re aware of how long…[Read more]
Whatever man. This case is similar to your post above. Believe whatever you want to believe. Just keep your utopian criteria of how the letter should be written to yourself, read the room ffs. If, as you say, “emgs have no idea” then you even have much less idea than them the possibility of things
I’m not suggesting I have more knowledge than EMGS. The whole problem here is that none of us do. My point is that their bulletin is of very little use as long as it doesn’t clarify *when* we will be able to return, and I don’t think people should be satisfied until they let us know what’s going on with visa processing.
We deserve an update, not…[Read more]
SJ posted a new activity comment 4 years, 2 months ago
It’s not a blind optimism when some other supporting indicators exist:
1. Vaccination in MY starts om February2. Hybrid learning for next semester is a very high possibilty, even also stated in the latest bulletin (some malaysian colleagues in UM and UiTM also said their university has comfirmed this)
3. New students which eVals are still in…[Read more]
Re: your third point – section 1.8 states that the SOP applies to new students whose eval approval is currently pending. That isn’t useful information – it’s reiterating that those of us currently waiting for our evals will be able to follow the steps laid out in section 2b once our application is processed and our evals are issued. We’ve a…[Read more]
I see your intention, thank you for the effort and sorry for not engaging in the best way before. However, you could’ve do it in a more neutral way by not adding your personal pessimistic projection of the future like “we could still be stuck until 2022” (post below). Thats really unnecessary, especially when you state that in a reply to someone…[Read more]
You’re right, and I apologise for that. All these months of crushing disappointment have left me very skeptical of any news that does trickle out. Back in September, I was asking someone else to cool it and please stop posting extremely negative takes about students possibly not being able to return until January, before the ban on student entry…[Read more]
SJ posted a new activity comment 4 years, 2 months ago
Other countries understand the need for specificity in these situations — the US currently explicitly bans “people who have entered the UK”. The EMGS protocol, meanwhile, just says “all international students (except from the United Kingdom)”, which is ambiguous and unhelpful. Does “from” mean “travelling from”, or “citizens of”? And if it’s base…[Read more]
trust me, whether you’re really dumb or you don’t understand english.
Because its obvious to 3 year old kid, that citizens from UK not allowed.
Stop playing the dumbass role and shut your mouth up.
Thank you
@Olivier Maresch Nah, this kind of comment is needed, otherwise this guy would continue spread his innacurate and negative conclusion to others (look at one of his comment below)
Good reply 😅😅😅
SJ posted an update 4 years, 2 months ago
Other countries understand the need for specificity in these situations — the US currently explicitly bans “people who have entered the UK”. The EMGS protocol, meanwhile, just says “all international students (except from the United Kingdom)”, which is ambiguous and unhelpful. Does “from” mean “travelling from”, or “citizens of”? And if it’s base…[Read more]
trust me, whether you’re really dumb or you don’t understand english.
Because its obvious to 3 year old kid, that citizens from UK not allowed.
Stop playing the dumbass role and shut your mouth up.
Thank you
@Olivier Maresch Nah, this kind of comment is needed, otherwise this guy would continue spread his innacurate and negative conclusion to others (look at one of his comment below)
Good reply 😅😅😅
Forgive me for not persisting in blind optimism when we’ve all spent the past 10 months watching the authorities repeatedly dangle hope in front of our faces only for absolutely nothing to change.
It’s not a blind optimism when some other supporting indicators exist:
1. Vaccination in MY starts om February2. Hybrid learning for next semester is a very high possibilty, even also stated in the latest bulletin (some malaysian colleagues in UM and UiTM also said their university has comfirmed this)
3. New students which eVals are still in…[Read more]
Re: your third point – section 1.8 states that the SOP applies to new students whose eval approval is currently pending. That isn’t useful information – it’s reiterating that those of us currently waiting for our evals will be able to follow the steps laid out in section 2b once our application is processed and our evals are issued. We’ve a…[Read more]
I see your intention, thank you for the effort and sorry for not engaging in the best way before. However, you could’ve do it in a more neutral way by not adding your personal pessimistic projection of the future like “we could still be stuck until 2022” (post below). Thats really unnecessary, especially when you state that in a reply to someone…[Read more]
You’re right, and I apologise for that. All these months of crushing disappointment have left me very skeptical of any news that does trickle out. Back in September, I was asking someone else to cool it and please stop posting extremely negative takes about students possibly not being able to return until January, before the ban on student entry…[Read more]
SJ posted a new activity comment 4 years, 2 months ago
And on top of that, you put it out last thing on a Friday night, so now we get to spend the weekend wondering whether anything is actually going to change, with zero prospect of further communication. Who does that? How does it make any sense to publish a bulletin at 11:30 PM on a Friday? Why couldn’t EMGS have waited until Monday morning? And…[Read more]
SJ posted a new activity comment 4 years, 2 months ago
No. This is just announcement regarding the steps we’ll have to follow. They haven’t provided any insight on whether application processing is being unfrozen, or how much time steps like eval and travel authorisation will take. It’s functionally useless, and yet they have the absolute cheek to post triumphantly on their social media like *this* is…[Read more]
SJ posted a new activity comment 4 years, 2 months ago
@SJ Its better to stfu and don’t spread your negativity when your reading comprehension is low. Obviously changes for eval applications are mentioned for institutions
Until they outright say “yes, immigration has resumed issuing evals”, our situation remains unchanged. Announcements of new bureaucratic procedures are worthless without details of when they’ll actually become relevant to us.
If EMGS had any confidence in students being able to return in the near future, they’d say so. They’re aware of how long…[Read more]
Whatever man. This case is similar to your post above. Believe whatever you want to believe. Just keep your utopian criteria of how the letter should be written to yourself, read the room ffs. If, as you say, “emgs have no idea” then you even have much less idea than them the possibility of things
I’m not suggesting I have more knowledge than EMGS. The whole problem here is that none of us do. My point is that their bulletin is of very little use as long as it doesn’t clarify *when* we will be able to return, and I don’t think people should be satisfied until they let us know what’s going on with visa processing.
We deserve an update, not…[Read more]
SJ commented on the post, 5 Famous West Malaysian Cities Worth Exploring 4 years, 2 months ago
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