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Active 7 years, 6 months ago
is there anyone Going to Limkokwing in this september intake?? View
Jabar Shah posted a new activity comment 7 years, 6 months ago
Until they outright say “yes, immigration has resumed issuing evals”, our situation remains unchanged. Announcements of new bureaucratic procedures are worthless without details of when they’ll actually become relevant to us.
If EMGS had any confidence in students being able to return in the near future, they’d say so. They’re aware of how long…[Read more]
Whatever man. This case is similar to your post above. Believe whatever you want to believe. Just keep your utopian criteria of how the letter should be written to yourself, read the room ffs. If, as you say, “emgs have no idea” then you even have much less idea than them the possibility of things
I’m not suggesting I have more knowledge than EMGS. The whole problem here is that none of us do. My point is that their bulletin is of very little use as long as it doesn’t clarify *when* we will be able to return, and I don’t think people should be satisfied until they let us know what’s going on with visa processing.
We deserve an update, not…[Read more]