Shahrukh Badshah posted an update 7 years, 2 months ago
I don’t know about my rejection reason but I had sent all documents right and correct can any one tell me what is the reason behind of rejection if I will appeal on 26 December so when visa will come after rejection what is the percentage of visa approval how much it will take approximately Time if I will solve the problem of rejection
It happens to most of the students, contact ur university they will tell u the reason and what documents u should give to them an they will appeal hopefully it wont take time if the university appeal
After submitted documents what it had happened with your process if I will appeal quickly will it approved fast
The university will tell you what documents are missing and yes if the appeal is submitted the visa will finish faster
Which type of documents missed
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It happens to most of the students, contact ur university they will tell u the reason and what documents u should give to them an they will appeal hopefully it wont take time if the university appeal
After submitted documents what it had happened with your process if I will appeal quickly will it approved fast
The university will tell you what documents are missing and yes if the appeal is submitted the visa will finish faster
Which type of documents missed