Hotel reservations are not always available at your choice. Sometimes a given hotel is overbooked. If you arrive without a hotel booking you run the risk of ot finding a cheap hotel.
Besides, the flight carrier may deny you boarding without you showing a proof of quarantine arrangements.
most of hotels refuse to accept people for quarantine and if they know that, they will cancel your booking .. you have to contact the property to get acceptance and you have to submit a request to the authority here detailing all information regarding where you intended to stay.
BUT, there are some news that the quarantine will be cancelled at the beginning of March .. if you have time, try to rebook your flight and wait for new instructions
Hotel reservations are not always available at your choice. Sometimes a given hotel is overbooked. If you arrive without a hotel booking you run the risk of ot finding a cheap hotel.
Besides, the flight carrier may deny you boarding without you showing a proof of quarantine arrangements.
most of hotels refuse to accept people for quarantine and if they know that, they will cancel your booking .. you have to contact the property to get acceptance and you have to submit a request to the authority here detailing all information regarding where you intended to stay.
BUT, there are some news that the quarantine will be cancelled at the beginning of March .. if you have time, try to rebook your flight and wait for new instructions