You are required to contact your previous institution and request them to cancel your current VAL. At the same time, contact your new institution and request them to create a new application for you. Please be advised that the approval is solely at the Immigration’s discretion. Thank you.
Thank you very much, but should I pay again for new eVAL? and I have already arrived to Malaysia, should I leave the country and come agaiin and present the new eVAL at the airport?
Hi Mrad,
You are required to contact your previous institution and request them to cancel your current VAL. At the same time, contact your new institution and request them to create a new application for you. Please be advised that the approval is solely at the Immigration’s discretion. Thank you.
Have a nice day.
Thank you very much, but should I pay again for new eVAL? and I have already arrived to Malaysia, should I leave the country and come agaiin and present the new eVAL at the airport?