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Active 3 years ago
My name is Omar Alwirfilli (passport number:AB334802) old passport (FRHH0L20) I’m an international student at monash university
I recently attempted to travel to Malaysia but upon arrival to the airport I was sent back to
my country because I didn’t have a travel authorisation letter. but as I was in the airport I applied for one, how […] View
Omar Alwirfilli posted a new activity comment 3 years ago
Omar Alwirfilli posted an update 3 years ago
My name is Omar Alwirfilli (passport number:AB334802) old passport (FRHH0L20) I’m an international student at monash university
I recently attempted to travel to Malaysia but upon arrival to the airport I was sent back to
my country because I didn’t have a travel authorisation letter. but as I was in the airport I applied for one, how…[Read more]
Your student pass still vaild ? Are new students or what ?
No my student pass is expired, and I’m an existing student.