Since you are in final semester, they will definitely renew your visa because after graduation, you need about two months to get your certificate and progress to another school or to leave the country. So you have nothing to worry about. I passed through this same situation last year when I finished my bsc. So you can liase with your institution but be rest assured that you won’t leave the country now
same problem here
Ask your university for a second special pass, shouldn’t be any issues .
Is that even possible second special pass?
Yes it’s possible, I received 2nd special pass during my time
Since you are in final semester, they will definitely renew your visa because after graduation, you need about two months to get your certificate and progress to another school or to leave the country. So you have nothing to worry about. I passed through this same situation last year when I finished my bsc. So you can liase with your institution but be rest assured that you won’t leave the country now