Nahid Hasan posted an update 7 years, 5 months ago
Its 15% and turned yellow today.. can somebody tell me why?
Plz complete your medical Apone ki bd
Yes. Bd
You have to go to an emgs approved clinic and get the medical check up done. Then they will update it into the system
Thanks. Already sent to institution YOu can visit this page and find EMGS Registered clinic in your home country. I suppose you are from Bangladesh.
do your medical test in emgs authorised medical and send them 🙂 it will turn green
or Create an account
Plz complete your medical
Apone ki bd
Yes. Bd
You have to go to an emgs approved clinic and get the medical check up done. Then they will update it into the system
Thanks. Already sent to institution
YOu can visit this page and find EMGS Registered clinic in your home country.
I suppose you are from Bangladesh.
do your medical test in emgs authorised medical and send them 🙂 it will turn green